hey Carlos, "the great"
I have a problem, for some reason when I am talking to people my words jumle up and then come out in a way nobody understand what I was saying or talking about. I even find it extremely hard to explain thing to people clearly. I know what I want to say but it the right words just wont come to mind for me spit out. sometimes its like I want to say two different thoughts at the same time and end releasing some bullshit. even when talking to girls.
Is there a way to take care of this problem?
Okay, you guys are taking this "great" thing too far... I was joking with the last one... :)
But feel free to stroke my ego with a compliment every so often. Couldn't hurt.
Dude, this is one I totally hear you on. I still think faster than my mouth, and it gets me a little jumbled from time to time.
When I'm instructing a class, I have to make sure I'm easing back on the mouth-throttle a bit or my words don't come out the right way.
The best exercise for this is consciously inserting pauses into your speech. Hurrying your speech up is a sign of insecurity because it's viewed as someone who thinks they have to speak fast enough to not lose the other person's attention.
Another exercise is to SLOW THE &*$# DOWN! Just consciously take control of your speech and keep your talking behind the speed of your thinking. You'll do much better.
I cover at least a dozen exercises in the Approach Women NOW program that will help you immensely with this, by the way. Everything from getting your voice and mouth ready to speak, to what to talk about and how to deliver it.

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