Would You Like
To Know The Secrets Of:
How to
Approach Women...
to Talk to Women ...
How to Read Body Language...?
this sound remotely familiar:
sitting somewhere having an ice cold beer, and you're talking to some
friends. Out of nowhere, a woman passes by that makes your heart pound
in your chest, and you can't take your eyes off her.
than anything, you wish you knew how to approach her, but
somewhere inside you don't feel like you know how to do it.
you can pry your butt off your chair, that little voice in your head
starts talking to you:
out of your league...
probably got a boyfriend ..."
probably not her type..."
have no idea what to say to her..."

It's Time to Silence That Voice of
Doubt Forever...
I have
been working with guys for years now on every aspect of their dating
shown men how to build their self-confidence with my Secrets
of the Alpha Man program, learning and preparing for the
world of dating and being a single man with The Dating
Black Book, and one thing keeps coming up again and
one thing men everywhere
want to know - and learn precisely how to do:
to Talk to Women - Without Getting Rejected...
course, there's a bunch more related questions:
- What do I
say to her to impress her?
- How do I
talk to women and not turn her off?
- How do I
get her phone number and a date when I approach a woman?
- How do I
get up the guts to approach women in the first place?
- How do I
handle it when I talk to women and they blow me off or ignore me?
- How do I
read body language so that I don't approach or talk to women that
aren't interested?
you do with a woman, it all starts by seeing her, approaching her, and
then talking to her.
In fact ...
Begins With Knowing How to Approach Women...
probably already know this, and yet it's still
tough to do, isn't it?
probably rather run naked through your neighborhood than risk walking
up to a beautiful woman and starting a simple
conversation. (Or risk her turning you down!)
- Are you
tired of that queasy feeling in your gut when you try to work up your
nerve to talk to women?
- Are you
sick of letting perfectly good opportunities pass you by?
- Are you
disgusted when you replay all those chances to approach women you
didn't take?
- Do you
get pissed off when the woman you were interested in leaves with
another guy because you didn't handle the conversation right? Or you
didn't know how to read body language right?
- Are you
fed up with trying to figure out how to avoid rejection and pain?
- Do you
feel like there's a code to understanding how to talk to women in their
A lot
of other advisors out there will tell you that you just need to get out
there and "just do it."
that's great advice if you're selling sneakers, but you need more
information than that. If you could "just do it" you would talk to women more often right
all, the concept of how to talk to women and how to approach women
should be simple, but the reality is quite
need a specific method to
approach women, and an understanding of how to talk to women in a
language that they both appreciate and understand.
only that, you need to know how to read
body language so that you don't misunderstand her
it be great if you had a complete system that you
could learn in just a few hours that you could use over and over again
to talk to women and approach women
right now?
Available ...

received this program a few weeks ago. Not only is there tons of
practical advice for starting a conversation with exact examples that
are not hard to implement...but they all make sense for any
that Carlos covers in depth the mind frame needed to approach as well
as exercises designed to make the approach have the best chance to
succeed. This is the best program or literature I have found because it
is neither outrageous and wild...requiring tons of balls to pull
off....nor is it plain and boring.
of the advice just feels right and will feel right to the person you
approach....congruency will be easily acheived. This program is also
delivered in a manner that allows you to quickly burn this stuff into
your memory. If you want a good approach program I cant think of
anything out there that is better for the money."
- R. W.
You're Going to Get Every Trick,
Tactic, Formula, Shortcut, Strategy and Jealously-Guarded Secret I've
Got in My Arsenal to Approach Women:
What you absolutely must avoid doing
during your approach to avoid the "uncomfortable silence" situation...
How to use "Monk's Discipline" for
perseverance to success...
Are you afraid to approach women? Afraid of rejection? We'll destroy
the myths and show you how to rid yourself of the fear and anxiety...
Why most approaches fail, and
what you can do to double
your success rate
The Five Levels of Approachers
- Find out which one you are, and how to achieve phenomenal growth by
using the right approach strategies for you
The A.I.M. Method of approaching,
explained in detail from start to finish - a complete system
of how to approach women - for every guy at any skill level
The mind-set you must adopt to ensure you are never
rejected again
Approaches Galore, you'll have specific word-for-word
approaches for meeting girls at:
program will give you FOUR information packed CDs
of over 280 minutes of hard-core approach
advice and motivation. I'll explain all the the principles in
easy-to-understand language, with tons of examples.
techniques and introduction methods work over and over again.
After all, if your success isn't repeatable,
it's no good.
even help you get your attitude and self-confidence
up where it needs to be. No program that shows you how to approach
women would be complete without an understanding of how to conquer
your inner fears when you talk to women.
"Thanks for the
Approach Women program, Carlos. The inner game material on the first
two discs sets up the right mindset and expectations for approaches,
and the examples on the third and fourth CDs are priceless.
"I've listened to
it a few times and already borrowed it out to my wingman who has some
serious approach anxiety. We're heading out this weekend to the bars
and I hope to see him using the material to get over his internal
"Thanks again for
a great product."
- J.C.
"Carlos Xuma's
Approach Women Now Program is just the kick I needed to get back out
into the field and show women what type of a man I am learning to
become. Carlos shows us that developing a strong inner self is the key
that is overlooked by so many men in the world of dating and striving
to become more Alpha.
"His material,
including the Alpha Man Program and the Dating Black Book is not
something to be skimmed over, but something to go back and dig deep
into as a reference, especially for your sticking points which he knows
exactly how to tackle.
"His material
also does something that no one else's does...it shows a sense of
maturity. The only way to know what I mean is to purchase it for
"Thank you
Carlos...for helping me strive to become the man I want to be."
- P. R.
In Just a Few Hours
You Will Learn Proven Methods for:
How to Approach Women...
How to Read Body Language...
and How to Keep a Conversation
Crackling With Excitement
What You'll Learn from the 4 Digital Audio CDs:
CD 1 - Attitude, Psychology, and
How to Motivate Yourself for Success
How to Convey the Right Attitude and Posture
Overcoming Your Fears and Removing Rejection
Preparation to Approach Women
Goals and Calibration
The Attitude of the Master Approacher
CD 2 - Body Language and
How to talk to women, and What
Body Language You Can Ignore
Reading Energy Levels
Reading Body Language Indicators, From Head to Toe
Positive and Negative Body Language Signs
Proxemics, Mirroring and Pacing
Exercises to Improve Your Attitude, Generate Self-Confidence, and
Motivate Yourself
Controlling Your Mind-Body State
CD 3 - Architecture of the
A.I.M. Model - Example Approaches
Philosophy and Architecture of Approaching Women
The Complete Process to Approach Women
Communicating Your Interest
Getting through the Layers of Communication
Progressive Goals to Approach Women
CD 4 - Example Approaches -
Power Tools - Diagnosing Your Problems and Fixing
Using Applied Skills in Conversation to Drive Up Interest, Trust, and
Sexual Communication
Social Proof and High Social Value (HSV)
Problems and Solutions When You Approach Women
Advanced Skills for Approaching Women
References, Resources, and Complete Approach Explanations

"Your new
Approach Program is spectacular, Carlos! It's loaded with valuable,
quality information on approaching women.
"All of the ins
and outs of approaching are discussed. This program is going to be
invaluable. There are also many new ideas that you have never taught
before, and lots of things that are instantly usable in the real dating
"...Your customer
service is second to none. It's so obvious to me that you are a coach
that actually cares about the progress of his students, and your
knowledge and experience is vast.
"I'm very happy
with the purchase, & look forward to applying what I have
- D.
"Carlos, the
approach women cds are awesome. The techniques are so specific and
detailed. It's exciting to see the confidence I'm feeling is
transcending into every aspect of my life. Women are really starting to
see how attractive I really am."
- Matt
Everywhere Will Envy Your Ability to Approach and Talk to Women -
Anywhere, Anytime!
you leave on a trip to somewhere you'd never been before without a
plan, a roadmap of the land that lies ahead? Or at least directions to
tell you which way to turn?
directions you'll get hopelessly lost.
You might
get there by luck, but it will take you ten times longer to find it
than if you knew the way in advance. Or if someone gave you a clear
you've ever taken the wrong exit or wrong turn in the area where you
live, you know that it's not easy to find your way
- even somewhere you think you already know like the back of your hand.
same thing is true when you learn how to approach women. Just one
wrong turn during your approach or in the conversation will doom
you to failure. You need to know where
you're going!
I used
to just go in and "wing it" when I would approach women, and I got horrible
results. You know it isn't going well when your hands
are sweating, your mouth is dried out, and your heart
is hammering your ribcage over 100 beats per second.
best way to stay relaxed during your first interaction with a woman is
to have a plan. Your plan gives you
confidence that no matter what happens, you can flow with
what this program gives you. An iron-clad foolproof plan
to approach
women anywhere you see them. When you have the tools,
the work is easier, and you'll find yourself more calm during the
approach as a result.
"Carlos, My
biggest fear had always been the approach.
"I have always
felt that that fear was holding me back from having a healthier dating
life. After hearing your podcasts and reading your blog I decided to
jump in with your 'Approach Women Now!' series.
"The exercises,
tips and example approaches have moved me into a new realm! I am no
longer worried about being tongue-tied or without words. Even when I
don't use the approaches you give, just knowing that they are there for
backup has helped tremendously.
"I can't thank
you enough!"
Jay W.
"[The Approaching
Women Now CDs] are amazing! The material in these CDs is truly mind
opening and insightful!
"One of the
exercises (the association game) alone is helping me improve my game
and my ability to think quickly on my feet by leaps & bounds.
can't say enough about the program. Carlos has really put
together an awesome package of material for not only approaching women,
but becoming a better, more calm, cool, collected Alpha Man!
- Anthony

is your map, and it will give you clear and concise
directions to creating attraction and interest in the
women you talk to.

only this, but you'll get the bonus Approach Coach
Audio-zine with more tips, strategies, approaches, and
motivation, including audio examples of how to talk to women with the
right tone and inflection. New issues will be out each month for you to
whole year of bonus audio at no additional cost!
show that over 80% of all communications are non-verbal. It's not the
words you say, but how you say it. You MUST
know how to communicate with women by more than your words alone.
also get your first issue of the Approach Coach
right now
with your order.
"The Approach
Women NOW program is really a concentrate of power
information. No fluffy stuff. Interesting, funny, easy to understand,
and most of all extremely useful.
"I have just started to use the information
in the program, like changing my attitude and the way I communicate
with women. The effect is tremendous...
"From a guy with hardly any success with
women hopelessly chasing them, they are now chasing me! Great!
Interacting with women has become so much more fun. I cannot wait to
explore the full power of this program..."
- Alex S.
have only listened to the first 2 cd's of the Approach Women NOW
program but it has helped me tremendously. The first cd gave me the
right mindset to approach girls and the second cd gave me useful body
language tips and exercises to practice.
with minimal anxiety and effort I was able to get two girl's contact
information. Let me rephrase that -- two girls asked ME for MY contact
information and I got a kiss-close from the 2nd girl within less than
10 minutes of meeting her.
you Xuma for helping shy guys like me!"

"Wow, if more men
approached women using the arsenal of tools intelligently compiled in
the Approach Women Now series, women everywhere would sigh with relief.
"Carlos gives you
the framework on how to magnetically attract women with the charisma of
James Bond.
"The most
important aspect Carlos teaches is to believe in your product, that
being YOU.
"There are no
gimmicks, no hype, hypnosis, or unrealistic expectations...
"Mastering this
product will separate the boys from the men."
- Cathy J.
(Yes, a woman...)
"Carlos' Approach Women Now
program is one of the best
programs on approaching women that i have seen. Carlos
breaks down each step in minute detail, from the ideal
state of mind to walking up and approaching a women
you desire.
"I am starting to
become an approaching
machine and it's all thanks to Carlos's program..."
- A. S.
Take a Look at the Secrets of How To Talk to Women That You'll Learn in
This Digitally Recorded Audio program:
Qualification - how to use it
to control the approach and the encounter so that you always get the
number, or you get rid of her!
"work" you don't know you're doing that will cripple you from success
with women
Why introverts can be just as successful when
they talk to women as extroverts
- No more Mr. Shy Guy!
What you must do to avoid burning out when you talk to women
How a woman figures out if you have "chemistry"
during your approach, and how you can control this feeling
How to choose and train your wingman for ultimate success - and what
skills he must have to help you approach women effectively
The one ultimate goal of the approach -
and how to achieve it (Hint: It's not what you
Master your own physical and sexual energy
levels and read other's energy with the ancient power of
"Your new
Approach Program is spectacular, Carlos! It's loaded with valuable,
quality information on approaching women.
"I'm very happy
with the purchase, & look forward to applying what I have
- D.
'Til now, I
approached women erraticaly, depending on circumstance... approaching
women was mostly by trial and error.
"I have no
problem approaching (which was one sticking point for sure).. I know
how to handle each circumstance effectively. The best thing that
happened is that with repetition and practice the material has already
become second nature, and I find my self using it without thinking
about it...
"Carlos has a unique way of transmitting practical and useful knowledge
"All you need for approaching women is
in this program. I tried other stuff too, but it was merely a
collection of hints and tips... Carlos puts TONS of useful and
practical advice in every single one of his programs.
"Keep up the great work!"
- Dimos
over $100.00 off the list price when you order by Midnight tonight -
- 4
CD Audio Home Study Course with over 4 hours of instruction
- The
bonus Reference
A whole year of the Approach
Coach Audio-zine... and your first issue with this

(The CDs will be sent to
you in plain, discreet packaging.)
Just 3
easy payments of $32.33
A full year of the Approach Coach Audio-zine
Giving you additional audio
sessions to cover new approaches, insights, motivation, and methods for
talking to women.
now to get every single issue!

can even split it up over 3 easy installments...

you'd like to order the APPROACH WOMEN NOW Program via
check or money order, please click here and request mailing

Concerned about transmitting your credit card
information over the Internet?
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if you only used a few of the powerhouse tips
from this program, you will massively increase
your success when you approach women.
you like to know...
What instinct you must trust to enable your long-term success with
Open/Closed body language, and
what you didn't know about the difference between men and women ...?
The single most important indicator of interest
from a woman and how to read it ...?
The specific definitions of each of her body movements and how to read
them all...?
Positive vs. Negative Indicators,
and which ones you can trust?
Proxemics, what they are, and
how they work in different settings...?
How to control how she feels about you through mirroring
and pacing...?
The Approach Killers - we
cover all the mistakes guys typically make during the approach - and how
to avoid them ...?
How to Assume the Bond and have her
feeling like she's known you her whole life ...?
The one thing you must communicate
with your words to make your approach succeed...?
"Hey Carlos,
I had to write in to thank you for puting together your new program on
approaching. I have listened to it all, and I can honestly say that
stuff is top notch.
"Keep coming up
with new stuff. I can't get enough of
- Isaac from
"I've had your
Approach Women Now program for a little over a month now. Though it
took some time adjusting, I noticed a signifigant change in how I view
things in terms of dating and relating with other women.
"Your program
really helped me put my fears aside and put women (and people in
general) in proper prospective. Since then, I've been able to get out
of the house, meet people and build a good rapport with a lot of women.
"The best thing
about it is that being afraid of a rejection became a thing of the past
once I realized how fun it was to actually go after something I want,
regardless of the outcome. I always knew I had it in me but it was your
progam that gave me the nudge that I needed.
Thanks Carlos,"
- Gregory
"Since it all
begins with the approach, this one is a must. Carlos gives
you the fundamentals, and a bunch of examples. But once
you've listened to the whole thing, you'll be coming up with your own
stuff. Pair this up with some good closing skills and you're
going to be dangerous!
- P in NYC
"I just completed
the Approach Women Now program for the first time, and I am going to go
through it again starting today. The main thing that I took from it was
the whole mindset of: NEXT!!
"I tend to put
too much emphasis on the outcome of a situation and tend to live in
scarcity. That's all getting better thanks to programs like yours.
programs chock full of attitude! Thanks Carlos! "
- J. B.

I've Included Exclusive
Exercises That Will Show You:
- How
to build a social network - create a broad and expansive
social network that will fill your life with women
- Observational
People Skills - increase yours by 100%
in just a couple weeks
- How to
change your core beliefs when
you approach women, when you talk to women, and ongoing
long-term success with women
- How to
use Autogenics to remove anxiety
and stay totally calm during the approach
- How to
create conversations from thin air
with anyone you meet - and keep them going!
- How to
remove approach anxiety (AKA - Fear of Rejection)
with a single exercise you can do at home before you go out
- Change
your Identity - why "you" are a highly fluid concept,
and how to take on the attitude and personality YOU
- Track
your progress and keep score the right way
- and the one tool you must have to improve your ability to approach
and attract the women you want
- Opening
Rituals - How to enter a resourceful state in just a few
seconds using the secrets that professional athletes have used for years
- Relaxation
Control - Breathing and thought-control - get rid of
those obsessive worries and fears!
- Tired
of saying the wrong thing? Re-connect your mouth to your brain
- exercises to stop you from tripping over your own tongue
save over 50% off the list price if you order by
tonight -
CDs will be sent to you in plain, discreet packaging.)
just like having your very own dating coach...
Single payment or split it up over 3
months ...

purchase is secure and guaranteed
for 90 days. If you're not satisfied,
I'll cheerfully refund your investment after you return the materials
in re-saleable condition.
enjoyed your Approaching program!!! It provided me step-by-step
approaches on EVERY single situation.
organized, Systematic, structured method that is easy to remember and -
most importantly to me - PERSONAL that I can change and
modify to fit any current situation. Thank you so much [for] putting
this program together!"
Xuma's "Approach Women Now" Program is just the kickstart I needed to
get back into the game with a big bang.
his techniques and philosophies, I have been practically fearless in
talking and flirting with some of the hottest 9's and 10's I have ever
laid eyes...and hands on, and it keeps getting better. The trick starts
with inner game, which he is the dating coach pioneer of in terms of
getting into the right state of mind.
importantly, his advice does one thing other dating gurus don't...it
shows a sense of maturity, and the only way to understand what I mean
is to purchase the program for yourself..."
- P.R.
Carlos, Joseph here. Been using your methods for only a month now and
what a difference I've never been a shy guy just didn't know the game.
Been having a lot of good things happening to me lately ... I feel so
much better about myself.
getting numbers in cold situations even doing better in online dating
...just dont seem to worry about it any more and i rarely meet with any
hostility... even when a lady's not interested shes almost always
flattered and very kind about it.
you very much this is the one area in my life ive never quite been able
to get under control..."
- J
would reccomend this product as it has help me grow so much on myself.
Its not just for picking up women or dating - it's very
helpful in building your esteem and you wholeness as a man.
Approach Women Program] helped me find what i really am capable of and
release the inner man in me and made me a better man in the process.
i dont just recomemend this for the little guy just learning
its good for all men out there who have ever dated and doubted."
-T. W.

Every Man Needs to Know - How to Approach Women and Talk to Women...
The Architecture of the Approach
- from start to finish, we describe the Dynamic Approach Technology and
the AIM model - the proven method for how to approach women anywhere
How to choose which women to approach and which to avoid
Be the Lion - how to assume
the mental state for success
The one thing you can do to warm her up before you approach that will
improve your closing ratios by more than 30%
The Three Layers of Social Interaction,
and where you must cross each in your approach
Knowing when to end your approach for maximum
What you must do as fast as possible to get her phone number
"The Hop" and how you apply it when you
talk to women
Specific approaches - word-for-word
and tools you can use in any introduction
How to talk to women about sex in your
conversation to get her hot with desire - three killer lead-ins to get
her talking about her wild fantasies with you...
How being too
prepared gives you away - and how you can avoid this trap!
Closing the Deal - How you end
the conversation gracefully and get her phone number
How to create lasting change -
How to make your new skills permanent
Diagnose Your Approach - how
to spot your problems and correct them, from start to finish
Advanced techniques for the
expert approacher
Essential resource list
for continuing education
How you get inspiration and motivation when your mood is low
The most important female interest indicator
that almost every guy misses
The one bad habit most guys have during an approach that kills a
woman's interest - and how you can turn it into a solid
gold attraction mechanism
How to pickup women using
your own personality
There’s still one last thing you may be wondering…
“Is There a Guarantee?”
Yes, absolutely.
fact, I’m so confident you’ll be bowled over by
this unique material - I’ll even provide you with a complete
60-day Money-back Guarantee.
the techniques, and if you aren't getting better success
when you approach women after using this
material, just return the program in re-saleable condition and I'll
refund your money.
I know
that sounds nuts, but I think that this package is THAT
I used
to go out and really have that sick sensation in my gut that I'd never
be able to meet women because I was so nervous and scared to just
introduce myself. That's totally changed for me, and I want you to know
how to do that, too.

How to Approach Women - NOW!

if you’re serious about learning the art and science of
approaching women with a style they can't resist –
there’s no excuse for letting this opportunity slip through
your fingers.
Don’t be left out! The next move is up to you.
All the best,
there are NO RISKS, with my 100% money-back


"After 23
years of marriage, I was quite apprehensive about going back into the
dating scene at age 53. Actually, apprehensive is putting it lightly. I
was terrified. Your audio coaching programs offered a clear and focused
way of approaching women and engaging them in just about any situation.
was at first a anxiety laden experience, was transformed into a fun and
successful way of bringing women into my life. In fact, at
this point I've got more women than I can handle. I feel like a kid in
a candy store! Keep up the great work. Your programs are
worth their weight in gold"
- S.D.
"I can't thank you enough for the
Approach Women Now
program. Finally, I have the confidence and the
dialogue to walk up to a beautiful women, strike up a
conversation and not feel like a fool.
"I'm so glad
your program wasn't filled with cheesy one-liners. You
give so many examples of real natural conversation
starters. It's so cool, thanks buddy..."
"I purchased the Approach Now ... and its
already reaping benefits. Initially it was really hard for me to go out
and approach women on the street.
"After listening to your audio the words
"Give yourself permission to talk to women" I thought what the hell and
went out. It was nerve wracking at first, now my approach anxiety has
dropped significantly, 90% if the time I have no approach anxiety..."
- C. P.
know that learning how to approach women and talk to women correctly is a skill
you must have. Don't let your own inner
voice of doubt get in the way of your taking this step forward.
When you can talk to
women - any women you choose, you'll have options
that you never imagined before.
Just imagine walking
into any social situation and knowing that you're going to leave with any
woman's phone number, or even with her on your arm!
You'll be admired as
a leader and a powerful, confident man. Believe
me, it's the best feeling you can have.
Don't talk yourself
out of the most important ability you can have as a man. Learn how to approach women - NOW.
I've made special
arrangements for you to get this program, even if you're a little short
on cash at the moment. Just order by clicking here...
"Carlos. Your
program is life changing. It turned my life from gloomy and dull to
something new and exciting... I don't know how to thank you. You really
made a change inside me. Hope you can do it for everybody who needs it
and is ready for it. You are my best friend. Your advice is priceless.
I will pass it over to my kids when I decide to have some."
- G. in Italy
"Kudos to you Carlos... Your new
CD's program addresses a fundamental problem without beating around the
bush ... It is well structured and quite complete. It will help both
beginners (like me) and advanced students. Continue your excellent