I love your audio coaching ... I am trying to catch up to review your new content.
As I told you before I went through a divorce that I never thought I'd get over and your tapes have been very inspirational for me to listen to. I am writing today because I am discouraged.
I have a bad neck for a young and still athletic age (25). I decided one day at the mall to go to this massage therapy for a 1 hr treatment. Well, the therapy is slowly helping my neck.
I began talking to the therapist who is my age. She is very cute in my opinon. She told me she is married and just had a baby. This was last November. I told her about what had happened to me because of my ex-wife. Six months passed and I went to get another massage from her. She is in the proccess of "trying" to get a divorce from her husband (he doesnt want to and they still live together). Apparently her husband has cheated on her now 8 times and she is tired of it. Because of this, she seems to be scouting the marketplace.
I see her regualarly for my appointments and we always have very good conversations. She flirts with me and I flirt back. She is a very nice girl and I must say I have started to like her alot. I am sure she is starting to have similar feelings for me. It is this uninterupted interaction that has allowed us to build attraction. I can tell this just by techniques i have learned from you.
Now my problem is this girl who I do like is unavailable, still married and lives with husband. And she also has a 15 month old baby. I'm sure your well aware of some of the pitfalls that come from dating people who have kids.
This girl and I seem to have very similar goals and values in life. I enjoy her personality as well as her looks and conservative nature.
My problem is I would like to meet this same type of girl except kid-less and available. I am not quite sure on how to go about this. I would be conquering all this alone. With my massage therapy we have time to talk for an 1hr with no interruptions. Because of it we both gained knowledge of one another. I am not sure how to do this again in a different setting.
Carlos, I know you're laughing. But I am 25 and the longer I wait, more girls keep having kids taking them off my market. Another issue is that most women I come across all seem to have a commitment with someone (we live in small area). If it is not that, they are wilder girls who want to stay up and go to bars all night long trying to get undue attention. I am not looking for that type of girl.
How do u suggest I place myself in the types of situations to find an available girl who matches my concept of what I am looking for. I can't move my location because I am growing my own successful business.
In a nutshell, I want to find situations like my massage therapy where I can interact with a woman so we can get to know one another.
Thanks for the help,
No, I'm not laughing at all. When you're stuck in one place, it can seem like your options are incredibly limited.
What you have to watch out for, though, is scarcity thinking. That will get you into trouble more than anything.
I've covered this in the e-books and audio so many times now, but it bears repeating.
If you feel as if you have no options, you'll start to lower your standards.
Jeeez, dude. You're 25. Not 65. You've got your whole life ahead of you. Don't sink it like this.
You don't HAVE to settle for the first down-on-her-luck massage chick that comes along with more baggage than they had on the Titanic.
You have OPTIONS.
I wrote about this a short time ago in the blog and in the newsletters I've sent, but it bears repeating.
Remember, the most valuable thing to a man is CHOICES.
All things being equal, the person with the more response potential (meaning the more choices of responses and alternatives available to them) will probably come out on top.
And that's what you need most right now.
You're focusing on scarcity, and what you're going to LOSE. You see time as LIMITED. You see life as CLOSING instead of OPENING.
In short, it's not reality. It's your PERCEPTION OF IT.
The old glass is half-empty or half-full.
It's what YOU make of it. The world is our mirror.
You want some opportunity to meet the woman you REALLY want instead of settle for someone else's leftovers?
- Get online, start a profile. Recognize that you may have to drive to another town to meet them, but if you want to play, you got to pay.
- Get my Secrets of the Alpha Man program. I kid you not, it is the single most influential thing you'll do for your attitude. I funneled all my secrets of self-confidence in there for you to have. Use them.
- Stop seeing this chick, and stop indulging in fantasy. The only way to motivate yourself to something you want is to get out of your comfort zone. If you just hang with this gal, you're going to have to keep her. And that doesn't sound like what you want.
Do what you have to, but start making some adjustments to the influences you have in your life right now. That's a big step in the right direction.

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