Carlos, if I may, I would like to make a comment/observation about a critical point you mention in all your e-books, and that is getting a kiss after that first extended date. I have kept a journal of all my projects and an interesting trend has emerged. If after the first extended time together, and not necessarily the first time, if I don't make a move then they rarely and usually never are willing to see me again!
Point is - Guys, make a move! Sometimes they are just too shy, an all out buying signal is rare, but I am rarely shot down, although that does happen too.
This may also have to do with my usual 'dating' activities which focus on taking the pressure off and having a good time.
Yes! Two critical points here...
First: Always move the experience forward with a woman. You MUST get some physical reciprocation of affection or interest from her, which means at LEAST a kiss.
Without it, she just throws you on the "he's not a man - he doesn't have the guts to move it forward" pile.
Second: Absolutely make sure that you're not putting her into a "pressure" situation, such as the traditional 'date.' That's a losing prospect.
Focus on having a GOOD TIME and you'll end up miles ahead of the chumps who think that you have to wine and dine your way into a woman's heart.

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