Dating Advice Newsletter
The Truth about Women ... for the Intelligent Guy
Did you know that Session 25 is now available?
The latest Advanced Audio Coaching is now ready for download at: /audioprogsub.htm
We've got over 110 minutes of brand new advice for you, all explained clearly in digital audio. I explain some of the most important principles of dating to you in a file format you can download immediately and listen to tonight!
And this month has some of the key principles of the Seduction Method outlined...
Hurry over and get your copy right now...
I've got The Dating Black Book...
the Black Book teaches one how to love the right way. You see, people say they love, but they realy need.
Loving one and needing one are 2 different things. Needing one can cause that individual to feel drowned and to run. Really loving one the right way will make that individual feel so good that they will run after you.
The book helps one learn this (concept) which is easier said then done.
But I have a question!
Whats the acceptable age difference a man can have to a woman in a serious relationship?
How many years older can he be than the woman and still be free of complications and problems in a serious relationship (marriage) with that woman, due to being older?
Whats your opinion?
Glad you enjoy the e-book... That's a good point, and a subtle one that people often miss.
When you come from a place of NEEDing versus WANTing, you come across with a very insecure and unhealthy vibe. Women are turned off from it.
But now you want to know what age difference would be healthy.
Well, it's been my experience that the man really needs to be older than the woman for things to work out. Guys wanting older women is usually due to a strange fetish, or just a desire to have a romping good time in the bedroom. (Yes, older women are much better in bed than younger girls.)
Now, how much older can you be than her?
As much as you want. Most girls are looking for men they can look up to and respect. Older men are creepy to women if they remind them of their grandpa, but if they're a hip and exciting older guy, they can really dig on it. If you're not some semi-bald, dorky looking professor type, you'll do a lot better.
I can't give you a specific number of years. If compatibility is a crucial factor in your selection, then I'd recommend you stay within a few (1-5) years of the girl you're dating.
Otherwise you'll find her talking about Eminem, and you'll be talking about M&Ms.
Marriage requires a level of rapport and understanding that is harder to obtain if there's more than 10 years between you. (And the younger you are, the closer your age needs to be.)
But if you're just looking for a good old fashioned poke-in-the-whiskers... Any legal age is open.
Note that I said LEGAL.
Hey coach
I love your tips in the newsletter, and I have a problem you can help me with.
I have girl friend that I love, been in a relationship a year now, I'm 19, she's 17.
The problem:
We haven't been seeing each other lately due to me not having time, she can't see me when I do and I don't have my own place for privacy. It's really bad for the relationship I know.
Last night I was calling her she wouldn't answer then she sent me message saying that she loves me, she does not want to be in relationship at the moment and needs to focus on college etc.
We are going to see each other for the last time on Thursday, well for not for a while anyway because we planned a date in advance to see each other again in a couple months time.
It's getting scary.
I didn't want to fall in love with her in the first place, deep down inside I would let her for my pride, but I don't want her to go because I'm afraid that another guy might [give her] the thing I want her feel through an orgasm! It's silly, I know. what should do? Should I even see her this Thursday? And even if I should, how should I act?
I know I'm just being selfish and probably doing this ease the tension.
But I need your advice, thanks for reading.
- A
She's going to college, and she wants to be free. I hate to tell you this, but it's so she can have fun. Yes, with other guys.
And she will not be a good person to be with right now. She'll tear down your self-esteem if you try to tie her down. You'll wind up being one of those crying wussies if you try to cling to her and get needy. It's one of life's difficult lessons, but it must be learned.
I suggest you get one last night of fun with her and consider her lost to the wild years of college. The easier you let her go (not making a fuss and crying and getting all emotional) the more chances you'll have of sticking with her, even if for the occasional booty call.
And you should be doing the same thing!
You see, I caught you saying "I'm doing this... and I KNOW it's bad" several times there.
But I don't think you understand how much of a loser line that is.
Anyone that says, "Yeah, I know, BUT..." is just giving themselves an out.
"But" WHAT?
That's like saying, "Yeah, I know that driving drunk is irresponsible, but I can't help it."
You're just giving yourself an excuse to continue the same unhealthy and damaging behavior.
Stop saying "I know" and start exerting some mental self-discipline over yourself.
Because what you're REALLY saying is, I know I'm doing something wrong and I can't control myself. I have no self-control or self-discipline. I'm a slave to my impulses.
Now for the HARSH TRUTH: She may love you, but she's leaving you. Not just for college, but mentally and physically.
You're not being selfish - you're being INSECURE.
Your need to give her this experience is just your way of satisfying your own insecurities. You hope that if you show her the gold, she'll never want another guy.
Sorry to tell you this, but she's in an age where she's going to get experienced, baby.
She's going to romp it up with some college boys. You're on the way out.
Just bow out gracefully before she dumps you hard and you start sending emails about how you "just want one more chance..." or asking me "How can I win her back..?"
An Alpha Man has CONTROL over his impulses.
Here's how you act -
Show her a guy who can confidently go out and find another girl in a heartbeat. That's the only way she'd ever want you again.
And even then I think that your cause is nearly over.
I'm not trying to hurt your feelings, but let's get real here. I'm also not here to blow smoke up your skirt and help you duck out on reality. Your friends will do that for you. In the mistaken impression that they are being a better friend to you by helping you ignore the Truth, they'll tell you what you WANT to hear, not NEED to hear.
You need to let her go, because that's the only way you can emerge with any self-respect and dignity. I've seen hundreds of guys go down this path, and it will DOOM you to chump-hood for the rest of your life.
So STOP pretending that your actions are okay when they're not.
START holding yourself to a higher standard of behavior, and start sculpting that inner Alpha Man before it's too late. Start developing the self-control and inner confidence that women want.
You want to know how to get started?
First of all, you need my e-book - The Dating Black Book. I've packed this e-book with HUNDREDS of examples, tips, strategies, explanations, what to say, what to do, how to interpret situations, and how to clean up that stinkin' thinkin' ...
Don't ignore that little voice inside you right now that's telling you to take action. It's the one part of you that you can trust.
All the good stuff is inside this book. And you can get it here:
Oh, and I've got an e-book and 6-CD audio program you'll want to see, and this new program covers every part of your self-confidence and INNER game.
This program covers ALL aspects of overcoming your shyness, fears, and insecurities with women (and with life) and gets you on the path to TOTAL self-confidence.
Listen to what this guy has to say about it, and how he's learned from the program:
"The negative self-talk was killing me for decades, that's my motivation for doing this. No woman is going to give me s*x out of pity. s*x is just a mindless fat-burning exercise like climbing the StairMaster; it's the skill I want so I won't become co-dependent. Being desired is the prize I'm looking for, and I need to accept myself first.
"I had a very attractive woman 6 years ago who was even needier than me... like a small child hanging off my arm... it mirrored my own insecurities and made me very uncomfortable. That's how I made other women feel and they left or never felt attraction, not because they were confirming my cooked-up negative fantasies I thought was their impression of me.
"As for my past, WHO CARES!!!!! Those are the two most relieving words I have ever adopted.
"Glad to be in your bootcamp.. - C.H."
There are more testimonials at the bottom of this email for you to read...
This new e-book and audio will guide you through exercises, tips, and strategies for changing your life RIGHT NOW. It's not just about getting more women (even though that's a really great side-effect of this program), but we show you the way to a more successful LIFE - business, family, social, financial... everything!
I've even thrown in a few extra bonuses that you're going to want to grab with this offer, too. I've spent the last year creating this great program, including the best of our Advanced Audio Coaching Sessions, with 34 all new tracks specifically aimed at this topic, and HUNDREDS of pages of new advice on how to get your game together with women.
You can see the complete list of contents here at:
If you order today, I'll send you the 393 page e-book RIGHT AWAY so you can get started.
Just remember: Every man is self-made, but only the SUCCESSFUL admit it.
I'll be back with more advice soon ...
- Carlos
"Dear Carlos, Your program is a "killer..."
It helped me to get rid of many traits of the so called "nice guy" - shyness, indecisiveness, "ass-kissing", etc.
... It boosted significantly my love and s*x life. Not only [this] ... It helped me to be more successful in doing business, I can now easily spot when somebody wants to "walk over me" and try to make me submissive as usually women do. Thanks a lot!
My best wishes to you!"
- S.D.
Sofia, Bulgaria
"I LOVE your Secrets of the Alpha Man program. It is by far the best overall e-book and audio program online that I have read....and I have done my research and read all the popular e-books and what not.
"I already was having a lot of success prior to the program but my success has doubled since reading the e-book and listening to the audio." - D.
"... About your Alpha Man program... It's bad ass. I'm only halfway through the book (200pgs) and halfway through the CD's. It's really phenomenal..." - T. T.
"Carlos, I purchased the Alpha Male program recently and I must say it’s the best investment I have ever made in my own personal development. I have had seeds of thought and insight on some of things you talk about in the books and tapes, but now I’m getting a fuller picture of what it takes to be a real man. It’s incredible..." - B., Colorado
"Hey Carlos ... Listen, I want to thank you for all of your work in these CDs and e-books. I've only had them for about a week and I've already made some major breakthroughs. You opened my eyes in being an Alpha Male.
"I was recently getting to know this girl... and I was being the "nice guy." Boy! the way you described the steps a man goes through to get to "she's the one for me" is right on target! I was able to step back... put her in her place on the phone and in person--it felt GREAT (so empowering!). I ended up not liking who she is and have moved on since.
"Also, I went to a club the other day... and I usually don't because I don't know how to dance that great--but I did anyway. I applied your exercise where you don't look at the final outcome... you just take the first step... and be an alpha man there.
"Well, I felt powerful and by the end of the night I was leading this girl around the club by her hand (taking charge), ordering two beers and sitting down with her with my arm around her like an alpha man should. She was so into our conversation and I felt like I was totally in charge.
"Oh, and yes... I danced with 5 gorgeous girls that we had dinner with. Damn! it was good.
Carlos... seriously... thanks!"
- 'D' Los Angeles, CA
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