Dating Advice for Men Newsletter - Advice for the Alpha Man
The Truth about Dating and Seduction ... for the Intelligent GuyJust a note that Session 23 of the Advanced Audio Coaching is going
to be GONE after this week. This is your last chance to get it
before Session 25 is released.
Get it HERE
At the first meeting I cracked some jokes, she laughs and says am
She thinks you're funny.
I don't mean to be flippant, but don't try to pull too much meaning
out of nothing. Too much "reading into" a woman's words is a bad
path to follow.
And if you're ever unsure, why not just ASK?
Playing hard to get:
First let me thank you for saving me from my self. You have a lot
of straight advice and clear understanding, I'm grateful for both.
I'm now on the path to be a more confident and more aware Alpha
Man. I've already notice a difference to how women respond to me.
I've only started, but the future looks good.
I'm still in college, and I've ran into a snag and I wanted your
input. I'm getting really positive signals from one individual. I
was being smart, cocky, and funny; and before I knew it she asked
me for my number.
I have class with this girl once a week, (Economics) and I'm
getting really good signals, strong eye contact, good flirty
conversations, and a disappointed tone when I end a call early.
The problem is when I try to set something up out side of class,
she's hard to reach. She's out of town when I'm available, she has
plans with her friends and that she will call me back but doesn't.
(I didn't call back after that; I'll see her again in a few days)
She seems a little shy to be a female player, and I'm getting the
sense that she's playing hard to get.
My question is am I reading this wrong? Are these female games? If
she is interested then how do I pass these obstacles?
She's probably playing hard to get, but the worst offense is that
you're playing this game with her.
Women do this crap all the time. They flash you a winning smile,
and then you're smitten. You're falling all over yourself to get
with her, but somehow you just can't make it happen.
They dangle this carrot in front of you ALL the time, but nothing
happens, and you're left with the impression that there's something
to be salvaged here.
There's NOTHING here. Things didn't move forward when they should
have, and now she's just turning into another flake.
This is the simplest way I can say this, and I don't mean to sound
nasty when I reveal this earth-shattering truth to you, but ...
If a woman is into you, she'll MAKE TIME FOR YOU.
It WILL happen.
If she's not into you, it won't. And there's no amount of
fantasizing about what MIGHT happen or could happen that will get
this to change.
Drop her like a bag full of Dalmation poop and get on the path to
finding the next one... the REAL one.
Remember, YOU are the one accepting this treatment. And I do need
to remind you that we teach people how we want to be treated. We
teach them by how we behave when they test us like this.
You have no time for a woman who plays these stupid and infantile
hard-to-get games, and she needs to FEEL that. Ya dig?
Go find five other girls who want what you've got and are willing
to set aside a few minutes to enjoy your wonderful world and what
you've got to offer.
And then this gal can come running back all depressed because she
missed out.
Then maybe she'll start to learn not to take things for granted -
right now instead of ten years down the road.
Short story, dude - you don't have the time to waste on her. Get
busy with the rest of campus. They're waiting!
hey carlos whats up man, I have a couple of things that I do not
get with girls....first off I understand the whole tease to please,
cocky funny attitude, and once I get into it, it works great and
everything, however when I talk to a girl is it ok if I just have
normal conversation with her, and add in a little cocky and funny
here and there??
also will a girl STILL be interested if I do not use cocky and
funny but my body language is good, as well as my confidence, and
is it good enough to keep things going? (just curious..).
another question I have is do guys NEED to take women on dates? is
it a rule of thumb that if you go out with a girl you must take her
out, and if you dont take her out, but still have the right
attitude and use all the things you teach, will she stay with you??
- H in NY
Actually, you hit something on the mark there.
Most guys over-use and abuse the whole "cocky and funny" concept.
They succeed in getting a little interest started, but they don't
know how much of it to use, or for how long, or when to bring it
back into the conversation, or why good-looking guys have to watch
out for using it at all.
The short answer to your questions is "yes."
You should try and have REAL conversations whenever possible. Avoid
this need to have to put on a performance to keep her interested.
A "real" conversation, by the way, is simply one that doesn't bore
the sh*t out of her. (Which, for some guys, can be quite a chore.)
Just talk to her like a normal person, but keep it "spiced" up with
occasional negging and teasing. Your goal is create a level of
sexual tension between you that she will home in on like a moth to
a flame.
As long as you can keep moving forward and eventually build some
comfort, you'll do fine.
As far as "dating" goes, it is never recommended that you take her
out to dinner on the first meeting. In fact, that's WAY overkill.
If you need to "bribe" a woman to be with you by buying her a meal,
that's not the right way to start off your relationship. Whether
she understands it or not, she'll react much more to having FUN
than by having to handle a 3-4 hour high-pressure "date" situation.
Just focus on the EXPERIENCE she has, and she'll be into it. There
is plenty of time for the mating behavior after you've got her
For more on the proper attitude, I suggest you check into my Alpha
Seduction program. It's got the concentrated details...
Once you get the right mind-set, the dating world suddenly seems
like a
different place to you.
If you'd like to know what you're really made of, I want you to
consider this:
The Alpha Man also knows that self-development is the path to a
better life. It all starts with getting educated.
Education leads to understanding. Understanding leads to better
choices. Better choices lead to better results.
And results are ALL that matters when it comes to the game of women.
I can show you the way to better results with women,
and it's all in my e-books and audio.
The Dating Black Book is for the guy who wants the whole dating
scene explained, and all the inner-workings of social dynamics as
well as dating dynamics.
Get it HERE: The Dating Black Book
And in case you haven't heard about it by now, my latest program is
now shipping...
If you ever wanted to know how to overcome your fears with women so
that you could walk up and talk to ANY woman, this is something
you've been looking for.
Follow this link for more information on my new project that will
blow you away:
How to Approach Women...
I'll be back with more advice soon ...
- Carlos
Send this email to someone who can use the information. Help spread
the word!
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alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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