Saturday, September 30, 2006

This is why you need to get your Inner Game strong to attract women

"I have spent a lot of money on seduction e-books, DVD's and CD's and even one [...] bootcamp in San Francisco in hopes of finding some thing that will strengthen my confidence and motivation enough to get out there have fun and experience some success. They have all contributed to my development in this area but I still something was missing.

I finally discovered that although I could feign self-confidence to a certain extent, I lacked a solid, healthy self-image to support it. I found what I needed in two sources - one being a book on Psycho-Cybernetics and the other being
"Secrets of the Alpha Man".

The other stuff I have read.... is highly informative and very useful. However, I struggled to implement their ideas without a good, strong self-image. Although the other writers deal with inner game and self-confidence they do not do so with the depth and clarity and thoroughness that you do in your
Alpha Man materials. "




Yes! You understand that it's important - no,
ESSENTIAL to have a good self confidence or all the material in the world will just dissolve into a puddle of 'crash & burns' when you talk to women and approach women.

To get women interested in you, you must have the
ALPHA MAN frame...

Learn more about it here - The Secrets

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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