Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Does playing hard to get with women build attraction?


A real quick question for you. A couple of weeks ago I told my girlfriend that sometimes I need space and I have worked very hard on being "unavailable".

I sometimes take a couple of days before calling and she called me on it once saying that she doesn't play that game. She said that she wants a man to want her and if he stops calling she does too. I am still playing "unavailable" thinking that her impartation was a ruse.

But in fact I have noticed that when I don't call she doesn't either, however, she responds very quickly when I call her or invite her along for an adventure. She told  me last weekend that she is in love and that I keep her on her toes. I don't want to break this challenge but I would like for her to start calling me again so that I am not doing all of the work.

Do the unavailable laws change from girl to girl?I know that it is a mistake for me to ask her why she hasn't called me or initiated some get-togethers and I haven't established contact in a couple of days but this tactic doesn't seem to be working. I am torn between wanting to led her out of this game or wanting to stop contact to wait and see if she will initiate the next move. This is frustrating - any advice would be great Carlos.


My first question for you is HOW you are "working very hard on being unavailable."

If you are TRYING to show an unavailable "Front" to her, you're coming at this from the wrong direction.

You must BE unavailable.

If you're trying to LOOK unavailable, you're creating a lie that your attitude won't believe in.

Read that again.

If you're trying to LOOK unavailable, you're creating a lie that your attitude won't believe in.

I suspect that this is what you're doing, because you are still ATTACHED to getting a particular result.

You view the "tactic" as a means to an end. And you're only focused on the "end."

This is something she can read on you, and that's why she's doing this. She's testing you.

What I'll caution you about is that she's someone I call an "Attention Hound."

She's only into you when you're into her. If you go too far, she disappears. If you do too little, she disappears.

She's a puzzle to you because it feels like nothing you do works on her. And the more you try, the less she responds.

You feel me, dog?

So why do women act this way?

They're the type of women who aren't used to being on the other side like this. You're doing what she only wished her other boyfriends had done. If they did, she'd still be with them.

But she still wants control. Hey, it's something she's gotten used to over these years, and she's not going to give it up easily. She's going to fight tooth and nail to keep you on the edge, and keep testing your resolve.

She'll test you even more because...

Everything you're doing is orchestrated and architected, which feels fake to her and to you. Your self-confidence is never boosted with a lie, no matter how cleverly you try to tell it.

"But, Carlos!" I hear you crying... "Don't you say that we should use these strategies to get women more attracted?"


and No.

You see, I want you to use these strategies to short-cut your way to a more powerful sense of your own Alpha status. You're doing this to see strategies work, and use that feeling of success to boost your sense of control over your own life and ability to get what you want.

When you start to see that BEING this stronger, more self-focused version of yourself is ultimately more attractive, you'll do better. And then you'll need to go beyond mere techniques. You need to go into the realm of Alpha immersion. (More on this in a second)

And you also realize something else in the end:

That it's not about the women.

It's about YOU.

Your confidence. Your masculine power.

When you are living your life to the fullest, women will want to come along for the ride.

And the way to find this power in your life, to live your own Alpha Man existence, with no need for tactics or tricks to get women attracted to you is to be R.E.A.L.

I am the only one out there in a sea of "gurus" who will show you how to attract women naturally. With the power of your own personality, instead of trying to be someone else or be "fake."

When you learn the SECRETS of the Alpha Man, you'll know how this works...

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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