Ok, here's my problem.
There's this girl I talk to a lot. We flirt, we hang out, she loves me (no question shes attracted) and get along great. We laugh and talk about things and have so much fun.
The thing is, she's dating lot's of guys at one time (more than just me alone). Now, this is what bothers me, I know how you ... say it's fine to date more than one person/girl at a time but it bothers me when a girl (or this girl, in this case) does it.
It's like all the time we have together dosen't really mean much, because I'm just another one of her "boy toys" or "flirts" or whatever. It makes me feel I guess *unspecial* to her and like all the naughty boy stuff I put on her she forgets (and it works great and she's extremely turned on when I use it, grabbing my ass and pushing me a lot).
It's like she can choose to be attracted on and off after I leave.
These other guys flock around her and kiss her ass and often take her to very expensive places. I don't know if she does it for the free meals, validation or just to feel like she's in control of men or whatever, but it kind of holds US back I feel.
I just need some guidance here.
Am I overthinking this and maybe she ISN'T as attracted as I think??? Is she just seeking acceptance from a lot of men and is this a big red flag and I should avoid her from now on and move on???
I know she dosen't just want me for sex because, well we haven't had sex yet. She has never had sex before and wants to lose her virginity to a man she loves.
The point just is that I can't tell what's going on and will need some base or mentality frame to start at. Any advice for me???
This girl sounds really young, that’s my guess.
If she’s dating a lot of guys, she’s distributing her attention, and the attention she gets back. (Which is what you need to be doing!)
Remember, you’ll always be at the mercy of the one that isn’t giving you what you want.
Don’t try to make her go exclusive unless it’s something SHE suggests.
And the only way for her to do that is for her to find you the most desirable. Which is done by BEING the most desirable by dating many women at the same time.
And stop any interactions with her that are “talking,” or “sharing,” or any of that crap. Until she’s ready to isolate you as her one and only, you can’t.
And, yes, you should watch out for red flags on this one that she might be an “attention whore.” She thrives on the attention for validation, which means ANY man that gives her the validation will be a groupie of hers. (A groupie is a guy who hangs out with her on the chance she might want him. But she will tease him along endlessly instead, gathering free sustenance from him at every chance.)
I ran into one of these women yesterday at the gas station. She had an incredible body (*most of it as fake as a 3-dollar bill), and dressed to show it. She was also loud and obnoxious on her cell phone, making sure that EVERYONE heard about her wonderful life and her new husband.
You can take heart in the fact that these other guys sound like total dweebs and probably lack the strategies you have. But as long as you focus solely on this one, she will elude you.
Oh, and I highly recommend you get my e-books right away. If you’re only reading the newsletter, you’re getting a good amount of advice, but missing the BIG picture.
I suggest you start with the Dating Black Book
Right away. Don’t half-ass this part of your life. You’ll regret it if you do.

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