Hey Carlos, at what point and particularly when in a relationship(s) should gifts be presented besides, birthdays, valentines, anniversaries or special events, is it wise to give gifts of -high value- randomly?
Should it be three months? Or before?
Here are some of my gift-giving rules:
1) Never give to get. Give because you want to give to someone, not because you're hoping to obligate them to some artificial connection in the future.
2) Don't give too many gifts in the beginning. In fact, almost none at first. It comes across as far too needy.
3) Give randomly. Gifts that aren't expected have the most impact. Let's face it, if you're going to share your feelings (and your income) you might as well get the most bang for the buck. Give to her in such a way that she feels the most for it.
As long as you can look in your heart and honestly say that you're NOT giving gifts out of the "wuss" impulse, which is when you give to PROVE your feelings to her, or in the hopes that it will make her want you more.
You give to a woman so she can truly appreciate having YOU in her life.
Get it?

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