Wednesday, January 11, 2006


Carlos, I devoured the book. You are my man.

I am fit, handsome, smart and with a goood job. But I was absolutely ruining my life. I had it all wrong. The wrong perspective, and got into one of those downward spiral you mention, trying to get their approval, failing their tests, letting them control my life, moving from lousy to lousier relationships. You are great! I really appreciate your advice. I'm looking forward to your advanced audio sessions.

Thanks Carlos! keep it up!
- Giovanni


"To Carlos, I would like to personaly thank you for your e-book, I could go on for hours about my life, the fun and the struggles, but I don't want to bore you, I just want to thank you.

"The information you have given me I would call like water to a neglected plant, that everyone sees and admires but presume is doing ok on its own."
- P. B.



I'd like to comment on your observation, because it's very insightful.

A lot of people assume that someone is doing fine just because of the outside appearance.

The reality is that most guys are NOT doing very good with women. And they won't admit it to others - or themselves.

To deny yourself the greatest skill in the world is a bit like telling yourself you don't need to grow anymore. You're as good as you're going to get.

Not true.

In fact, the Truth is that you have to take responsibility for your own growth. Your "plant" doesn't have someone taking care of it.

The reality is that YOU may have to turn your leaves to the sun a little more. Get the life-giving light you need.

YOU may have to grow your roots closer to the water, and pull them back from those polluted areas (your negative friends, for instance.)

YOU may have to develop the sweet pollen and nectar that draws in the birds you desire.

A lot of guys wonder how to "read" women, as well as how to develop
their skills to improve their dating life.

To do this you need the complete picture for you to succeed in the

Perhaps you'd like to know the mindset of the men that take no crap
from any man, woman, child, or small furry mammal.

First of all, you need my e-book - The Dating Black Book. I've
packed this e-book with HUNDREDS of examples, tips, strategies,
explanations, what to say, what to do, how to interpret situations,
and how to clean up that stinkin' thinkin' ...

Get it here:

Oh, and I've got an e-book and 6-CD audio program you'll want to
have a look at, too. This program covers every part of your
self-confidence and INNER game.

You can see this life-changing program here:

This new e-book and audio will guide you through exercises, tips,
and strategies for changing your life RIGHT NOW. It's not just
about getting more women (even though that's a really great
side-effect of this program), but we show you the way to a more
successful LIFE - business, family, social, financial... everything!

I've even thrown in a few extra bonuses that you're going to want
to grab with this offer, too. I've spent the last year creating
this great program, including the best of our Advanced Audio
Coaching Sessions, with 34 all new tracks specifically aimed at
this topic, and HUNDREDS of pages of new advice on how to get your
game together with women.

You can see the complete list of contents here at:

If you get the program right away, I'll send you the 393 page e-book
RIGHT AWAY so you can get started... AND I'll even send you a link
to join the Alpha Man Forum - a special user group where you can
exchange information and tips with other Alpha Men.

Just remember: Every man is self-made, but only the SUCCESSFUL
admit it.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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