I have been studying your stuff for nearly 3 months now. The Approach Now, The Dating Black book, Alpha man stuff and audio coaching stuff.
Back in May before I knew anything about the game I was in a bar and spotted this really hot girl. I walked upto her and began chatting to her. We seem to get on then I went off to the toilet and came back and see was chatting to another bloke. I felt jealous all of a sudden (I was an AFC back then). I went up and asked "Hey I wanna cu again give me yor number" she smiled and said "no"
I was really hurt that night and sulked like a little boy. Now I see the same girl yesterday on the train the same girl gosh !! from the bar months ago. She doesnt recognise me !!
I approach her look in her eyes and say "This is a bizzare question, we dont know each other..are you single ?". She says yes..I say give me your number..guess what ? She hands me her number holy shit LOL.. What is going on here ??. I immediately start flirting with her LOL and she says give me a call sometime...just had to tell you and say that your stuff is simply GOLD !!.
Plan to be in the US at some point. If I am in your area I would to buy you lunch !!
Happy new year mate !
C in the U.K.
And THIS, my fellow Alpha Men out there, is why you should never take a 'rejection' seriously.
Just a little later you'll be able to win the ones you lost by simple application of my techniques and strategies...
Cool, huh?

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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