Sunday, January 29, 2006


Hey Carlos,

I just recently received your cd's. God bless your sassy ass! This is the shit I've been missing! NOW it all makes sense to me.

I don't really expect this to end up in a newsletter, but I wanted to discuss with you something interesting.

My local bar is a dive. The women there are 5's at best. However there is this one who shows up who is a 7 or 8. I've been fun and confident around her and then blown her off. She seems to be intrigued, so this push pull thing is working.

But this letter is really about the social dynamics of the bar. Because I'm a regular and people know me--when I walk in it's like Norm walking into Cheers with, "TRIBAAAL"--so I've established myself as a "dog in the running". It seems that since I've got this Alpha Aura now, a pecking order gets established.

The more confident dudes try to "belly up" and get into razzing each other. Like young bucks knocking heads. The women all whisper about me when I enter, and the Beta cats try to be my friend, offering me their favorite pool cue or buying me drinks. All in all trying to establish their existence by being next to me. It's kinda weird how close to a pack mentality we humans really are.

Have you ever witnessed this in your experiences?

Just a thought.


Well, I've never had my ass described as 'Sassy' before, that's for sure.

Perhaps you should stay off that topic entirely. :)

TO answer your question, I see this ALL THE TIME. Guys are always sucking my kneecaps for attention when I rule the roost. I've even had one guy try to lure me out to an ambush because he felt so emasculated.

The thing a lot of people don't realize (especially the more "new age" thinking) is that the search for these frontiers of Pure White Love is great. Go for it.

But the reality is that we're all a lot closer to the pack dogs than we like to admit.

Guys do behave with this kind of Alpha/Beta mentality. It's hardwired into our genes, and all the wishing in the world won't make this any different.

I'm not saying you shouldn't aspire to more than this behavior, but you better have a good understanding of it, because it's the common denominator in all social dynamics, as I explain thoroughly in the Secrets of the Alpha Man program.

So when you've got the understanding and skills in these social situations, you wind up with the situation you're talking about, where the pack looks up to the lead dog.

That's you, my man... Enjoy it!

If you really want to see some complex social dynamics, watch how Tony Soprano holds court in "The Sopranos." He has an innate understanding of this dynamic and works it to his advantage at every turn.

Oh, and if you don't have it, and you're wondering right now how to be the Alpha Man, you should take a look at my Alpha Man Program.

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