Hi Carlos,
You doing a great job. I have got a ton of great results from your advice. It has even worked all the way on a couple of girls. I listen to all your newsletters, read your Dating Black Book and your Alpha Male series.
I have a question, recently I have been overlooked by several girls, who I interact with once in a while. They are stereotyping me and over looking me.
My problem is they think I am an eighteen year old kid who lives at home and just likes to joke around in life and talk big. I am really a 22 year old, who graduated college, started my own corporation (that now runs on its own with out my having to be there) so I work as creative director in an advertising agency. I bought my own house and drive an 05 BMW M5. I am very athletic and in great shape. I have never drank, so it even makes me look younger.
Their problem is that they just look past me because they assume things about me based on my looks and my easy going attitude, and I am modest even though it doesn't sound like it in this letter.
Once girls find out about the true me they look at me in a different light and my teasing is more effective because they look at me as confident man and not as a joking around college kid.
Here are some examples of what I am talking about.
I went to this party at an older girls house. She said she was looking for a roommate and picked me out of everybody and asked if I would be interested because she said I looked like I could use some help so I could move out of my parents house. I teased her about why she needed a roommate and how she was just trying to use me for my body, to be her hero, and she told me I just didn't understand and I would so day when I was older and could afford my own house.
Other examples are when I drive around in my car people think its my dad's. I went to lunch with a girl that works near my office and she would always want to drive. So I would let her. Then one day I laid down the law and made her ride with me. She loved my car and told me that she never wanted me to drive because she assumed I had some civic or some little car and she would rather ride in her Audi A4.
I just gave your materialistic examples because they were the easiest to explain. Obvisouly a true alpha doesn't need to impress girls with things or accomplishments nor do they waste time on girls who only value these things, but I need to find a way to show more of my true confidence in short time periods.
So how do I get around this so I can attract girls and seduce girls that I have limited time with?
Great job "going all the way" with my material.
You're always going to have a hurdle with appearances. It sounds to me like you've probably got boyish features, and you probably could use a makeover to project more of the image you want to project.
Keep in mind that people make decisions about you based on appearances, and they do this very quickly. If you're still wearing jeans and a t-shirt, maybe with a baseball cap, you're going to send a radically different message about your lifestyle than you would with some classy pants and a dress shirt.
First recommendation - Grow some facial hair. Work on your sideburns. And generally get your appearance more in line with an older version of you.
YOU define the world you live in, not these women. If you are letting them get into your frame and your reality, that's YOUR choice.
So let's be straight here - you're probably still giving off a young guy vibe to these women. Just because you're cocky with them doesn't mean you're going to attract them all to your scoundrel personality. To them, you look just like a cocky kid.
Social calibration is needed for all situations. Just because you learn the strategies doesn't mean you'll get the results. You have to spend time interacting and calibrating, as well as getting the feel of social dynamics.
Next Step: Start with more sophisticated conversation. Then learn how to reveal these things about you in conversation without bragging. (Review my programs while you're at it.)
HER: "Well, you'll understand when you live in a house of your own..."
YOU: "Have you seen my house?"
HER: "Uh, no..."
YOU: "So you don't really know what my situation is?"
HER: "UH, no...."
YOU: Nodding and smiling. "Be careful of those assumptions."
It's your reality, dude. These women are shaking yours, so you need to realize that you might be a little insecure over the material aspects.
Then, I suggest you use some of that money to get yourself a good fashion makeover with someone that's got a good idea for spotting your "look." That will help you project an "older" and more established vibe.
Until then, persist with a stronger frame in your interactions with women. It's your job to help them to where they finally "see you" the way you are.
An Alpha Man would settle for no less.

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