Friday, May 26, 2006

Ten Commandments


This holiday weekend, when you're remembering those who died for
our country and those whose sacrifice has meant a better life for
you, I want you to sit back for a moment and remember Men.

You know. The 49+% of the population with an "outie" instead of the
"innie" in that place where you feel warm and tingly.

Do you remember when:

- Men could yank out the 350 engine from their Chevy and rebuild it?

- Men didn't cry in movies, they held their crying girlfriends

- Men did what they needed to do, whether or not their woman
disapproved of their decision?

- Men knew how to defend themselves physically? They could fight if
they had to.

I remember those days... when men were men, and women were there
for them.

Well, in the spirit of memorial day, I've got something for you.

Here's what I call the Ten Masculine Commandments. I want you to
read each of these every morning, and even post them on your
bathroom mirror if it will help you remember what it is to be a
man. This is one of the most respectable things you will ever do
with your life.

Don't turn away from your responsibility.

Embrace it...


1) Thou shalt not whine or complain.

Life is tough, dude. Wear a cup. If something bad happens, I'm not
going to go on and on about how I was wronged. Every useless minute
of complaining isolates me from people (no one wants to hang out
with a lame cry-baby) and keeps the anger festering in me like a rotten

Remember: Harboring resentment is like taking poison and waiting for
the OTHER person to die.

2) Thou shalt not watch women's television programming.

No, not even for research. If I see you with Oprah on, or the View,
I'm going to come over there and personally open a 64 ounce can of
whupass on you.

When you've seen every good Steve McQueen and Clint Eastwood movie
of the 60s, and you can emulate Sean Connery in every James Bond
movie, THEN and ONLY then will I give you a pass to do a little
research if you like, but until then, avoid the breaking of your

Yeah, that's right. I just used a dirty word. MACHISMO.

Here's the definition I found:

Machismo - A strong or exaggerated sense of
masculinity stressing attributes such as physical courage,
virility, domination of women, and aggressiveness.

Exaggerated? I don't think so. Domination and aggressiveness?
That's too far. It's dominANT - in attitude - and assertive instead
of aggressive.

So instead of one of those lame talk shows, go watch some
"Battlestar Galactica" or "Deadwood" instead.

3) Thou shalt persist to the end.

You're in a date you can't control? Tough. Figure it out, sport.
You've got a brain, and hopefully my e-book and audio by now. Get
it together and make it what you want it to be. If you quit, you'll
miss out on a thousand small lessons that will improve your game
1000% if you'll just hang in there and turn it into a learning

In fact, in all areas of your life, stick with it. Persistence is
essential to success.

4) Thou shalt toughen up and take criticism lightly.

Someone make fun of you? Shrug it off.

Did a chick just tell you your haircut looked like you stole the
hairpiece off Paulie from the Sopranos? Tough titty. Roll with it.

90% of the stuff people say to you is their way of cutting you down
to make themselves feel more superior. No one likes everyone all
the time. If you do, you're a kiss-ass. Stop trying to be Mr.

Did that guy flick you off for driving too slow? F*ck him. Flick
him back and then get over it, instead of hunting him down and
making him your scapegoat.

I was and am of Italian ancestry. My friends called me "wop" and
"dego" when I was a kid, and I developed the mental toughness to
not let it bother me after a while. I assure you, you can do the same.

5) Thou shalt not over-groom

Stop trying to make yourself up into a strange androgynous creature
with makeup, hand lotion, and waxed chest. As long as you're
reasonably well-groomed, you can avoid the whole coconut hand
lotion and eye liner thing.

Remember that men are lumpy, occasionally rough around the edges. I
don't shave every day, and I don't need to take a cheese grater to
every callus on my skin.

She doesn't want you to take longer to get ready than she does.

6) Stop being afraid of being politically incorrect or expressing
an opinion of your own that might be viewed as "sexist."

More guys are running around out there in fear of being some kind
of horrible arrogant arse-hole than they are of never fully being
themselves. That's a far greater sin, by the way.

Just because something is thought of as traditional, or a
woman said she doesn't believe in it, does not mean it isn't TRUE.

When I say that women are better at nurturing, and men are more
emotionally straight and level, the frowns appear. But I stand my
ground and remind those who would label me a dinosaur that these
gender qualities are usually why couples work out in the long run.

Respect gender roles. Stop trying to deny your masculinity.

Macho is GOOD.

And don't even get me started on this whole "I can't offend anyone"
political correctness CRAP.

7) Thou shalt not take up feminist causes.

It's not your fight, chum. Most women have even acknowledged that
the feminist movement is over. And the results are not all that
they really wanted.

More men are trying to be women, and more women are trying to be
men than ever before. And neither one of us is attracted to it. You
show me a 'strong, sassy' woman who wears the pants and I'll show
you a woman who's got some anger and issues waiting to be resolved.

And the same for guys. You show me a whiney, cry-baby of a wuss,
and I'll show you a man who's hiding behind his own inadequacy and
low self-esteem.

Let's get back to being attractive to each other instead of trying
to imitate each other.

8) Thou shalt be competent and useful.

Do you have a tool box?

Can you fix something if it breaks?

Can you change your own oil?

Guys have become woefully lacking in skill these past few years.
They can't even build something from Ikea without becoming
hopelessly lost.

Men are good at spatial reasoning and physical manipulation. We're
born fixers and handy-men.

Go buy yourself a wrench and get back to your roots.

9) Thou shalt not be afraid of your own anger. (Otherwise known as
"Thou shalt not take so much crap")

Guys often fall back on anger as an emotional knee-jerk reaction to
their own frustration.

You need to have a tight rein on your temper, but for gosh sakes,
without the potential for anger, you're just a sniveling cry-baby
of a girly-man that just avoids any potential confrontations.

The people we respect in life are the ones that we know there
are CONSEQUENCES for angering. Is there any consequence
for doing YOU wrong?

Besides, there's nothing like an ugly confrontational shouting match to
light those macho fires.

I have the right "NOT" to be tolerant of others because they are
different, weird, or tick me off.

Go ahead! Tell someone off!

Get pissed about something. Then, GET OVER IT and move on.

The guys I truly worry about are the ones that repress their anger
and bottle it up. It's usually this kind of person that runs amok
in a department store with an AK-47 someday.

10) Thou shalt not be so damn p*$$y whipped!

Stand up to a woman! If she's being a pushy, self-serving little
annoyance, then cut her loose. She'd be the early death of you
anyway. Good riddance.

If you're handing over your balls to a woman because you're so
desperate for a roll in the sack with her, you're selling your
birthright. Not only that, but she'll see your spineless behavior
for what it is and either cheat on your or lose you the first
chance she gets.

Women rarely break up with me. I'm very effective at laying down
the law in the first 2 meetings with them so that they know what
they're in for. I explain to them in no uncertain terms what I
stand for, and if that isn't to their liking or taste, that door
over there is their emergency chute. Get out now and let me get
back to finding a woman that appreciates a man.

Women are not turned on by guys who will do anything to get in her
pants. You just look friggin PATHETIC. Have standards or a code
that keeps you from being a doormat to your woman.

We both know that I've probably got a billion more commandments I
could come up with, but I felt that you and I needed to set things
straight here with some of the more pressing issues.

The real truth I'm trying to illustrate is that if more guys would
just get out of their own way long enough to SHOW their
masculinity, there wouldn't be this crisis of male identity going on.

Many years back, I went on my own personal crusade.

I had been a "natural" for as long as I could remember with women.
Then, I got 'enlightened' by some lame books combined with a
crisis of my own self-esteem.

I turned into a total wimp. I bottomed out, not getting laid for ...

Well, a LONG time.

Embarrassingly LONG.

So I got on a path of rebuilding my ego, and I started working on
myself, re-learning why it is that women really do like guys with
assertive, strong personalities.

I tried various tactics and methods, and eventually I found my way

What I did back in 2004 was put all this material together for you
in a very special program. It's called the Secrets of the Alpha Man.

(Don't be confused by a lot of the poseurs out there trying to show
you their "Alpha Male" stuff. Mine is the first. The original.)

If you're reading this now, and you want to learn the strategies
that others have learned, the top-down approach strategies are
exactly what my Alpha Man program will teach you.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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