Wednesday, May 24, 2006

What's in a Name?

Carlos, one question. when I ask for a girls name majority of them would say "why?" or why do you want to know my name?" this is after I talk with her for more than five minutes and I see she is interested.

What do they mean by this and how should I answer them.


Well, first of all, if you're talking to a woman for more than five minutes, and she won't give you her name, SHE'S NOT THAT INTERESTED.

Or she's a game-playing manipulating psychopath.

But let's forget that last option for a moment here.

Any woman that is sufficiently interested in you will have NO problem telling you her name after a couple minutes of engaging conversation. If she doesn't, she isn't.

That should be a new chant for you.

If she doesn't, she isn't.

What's really a concern here is that you are perceiving her as interested when she obviously isn't.

Remember, there are only two states of thinking: Enlightened or Deluded.

Sometimes women like to play games like this, not giving you their name to test you, but if she's testing you like that when you've invested a few minutes of conversation with her, that really indicates a much different problem.

This problem happened before you asked for her name.

If a woman needs to know WHY, you haven't SHOWN her why with your Alpha Attitude.

If you want to know what to say, how about: "Because I'm planning to write a love poem to you when I get home. Wait, on second thought, you probably have one of those embarrassing porn star names, like 'Yolanda Giggles,' or 'Iwannabe Onattop,' right?"

But if you want to cure the problem and not just the symptom, you should learn the Secrets of the Alpha Man.

Learn True Success With Women ... and Life.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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