Saturday, July 23, 2005


Here's a little post from my secret spy on the other side... A pussycat that's telling you tales from the Other Side...


In order to understand what women want you have to have a basic understanding of our sophisticated and complicated psyche.

Have you ever noticed when you meet a woman’s gaze she demurely lowers her eyes. Do not mistake that for lack of interest, it often means she is being coquettish with you. Oh and by the way, if you look away first she will be intrigued.

Women are intuitive; we do not need to be taught, for example, that being unavailable boasts erotic appeal.

Sex is not all that complicated- if a woman finds you attractive and alluring, she will want to be intimate with you. If weeks or months pass and you have not found nirvana between the sheets, she is simply not interested.

Women are not intentionally ambivalent; it’s just that our emotional needs are vast and that is why we have girlfriends.

Speaking of girlfriends:

When a woman asks you how she looks in her new $150.00 jeans either lie or run for cover. Now if your gal looks fabulous, then by all means compliment away, women want and need accolades from their men.

If a guy is honest with a woman and tells her that’s not her color or heaven forbid she looks fat…. Ha. Nothing More. Game Over, Boyfriend, You Are History- Ah but not so fast, unfortunately for you, you will first be systematically emotionally pulverized, if you're lucky it could be just for a few more dates, or months or…

Now let me clarify something, women are brutally honest with one another. I had lunch with a close friend yesterday and before her derriere hit the chair she declared, “That color lipstick is awful for you.”

Bada- Bing, my new Chanel lipstick will meet an untimely death- to the trash it goes and my gorgeous girlfriend gets a hug and kiss for being honest and caring enough about me to tell me the truth. My apologies gentleman, I did not make up these rules!

Girlfriends are the key to our success and happiness. So if you go to a party and you see a woman you're attracted to that has many girlfriends, be glad, it’s the girlfriend-less women you should fear. As a matter of fact, if you meet a girl and things are going great and you find out she has NO girlfriends, run do not walk…
She inevitably has a missing link…

CARLOS: I would only add, guys, that if you do look away first, make it an INTENTIONAL look away, not an "I got caught" look away.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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