A good word...
I like to post the good things people have to say, especially when they send it in and it's evident that they really get how this stuff works, and they're enjoying the benefits. I thought you guys might enjoy this. I'll put his question up soon as well...
"The Secrets of the Alpha Man program has been the most rewarding and useful program that I have seen in the area of dating, women, seduction and life in general. I found that all of the programs and books out there are cool, but unless you all ready have the inner game that this program teaches, it is useless. I found myself not afraid of social interactions anymore, learning confidence isn't an owned trait, but something that must be worked at and achieved daily, and quit frankly that I can pursue any woman I desire.
"Imagine catching looks at church from the most beautiful girl you always like, but feared. Her smiling at you when your eyes no longer dart away faster than speedy gonzales when she catches you looking at her. I even found myself on a date with a girl who I knew had a boyfriend, and in a bold and daring move on the first date, I went for the kiss. Sure she stopped me, and limited to kissing her cheek (and she was kissing me too), but it wasn't as bad as I used to fear.
"I'd never have gone after a woman with a boyfriend in the past, and when it didn't work out, I was ultra cool about it like, "I don't need you. I like you, but don't need you." She responds by asking me on a 2nd date, and also is like, "I am SO going to hook you up with one of my friends."
"But she was only 1 of my 6 current targets, and the list grows daily. The most significant thing about this program is that is enabled me to finally have some balls and USE all of the information I'd been reading so much of on getting women. Now it is so simple.
"Is everyday perfect? No. Do I get nervous? Sometimes, but I act in spite of it. Gentlemen, trust in this program. Carlos is here to teach us what SHOULD have been taught to us by our fathers. It generates success in ALL areas of life. I can honestly testify this with all of my character."
- Amen, Brother! Thanks!

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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