The Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion is HERE!
Have you ever wondered what the most common problem I encounter is when I coach guys 'in the field' and hold my workshops?
I think you'll be surprised to find out that it might even be the same sticking point you may have in your own dating life.
Have you ever run into this situation:
You're talking to Mary, a cute woman you started a conversation with at the bar. You exchange a few bits of small talk, and then you're ready to ramp it up a bit...
... But you don't know what to say. In fact, you feel that familiar silence creeping into the conversation, and you know you should say something, but what?
Sure you have. We all have. I've had more than my fair share of conversations that ran out of juice just when I wanted to take it to the next level, or just ask a woman out. The most common problem guys have is how to keep a conversation going with confidence.
And nothing sucks worse than not knowing how to keep talking to a woman that you are interested in.
Well, you don't have to feel that way anymore.
Announcing: The Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion program.
That's right, it's finally here!
I've basically done a brain-dump of all my BEST information on conversation and communication. Everything from reading people's eyes to telling if they're lying. How to handle guys that try to blow you out when you're in social situations. How to talk about anything all night long. How to cold read someone in just a few minutes.
You'll even get to hear a LIVE conversation where I demonstrate the strategies to keeping the energy up and the conversation exciting.
It's all in here.
I wanted to get this letter to you in time because I've been limited on my first pressing of this program, and if you don't act now, I don't know when I will be able to get you a copy after the first edition sells out.
I'm not going to overload you with a bunch of hype here or waste your time. Just go take a look at the program. I promise you it's something that you've always wanted.
Go get a look at it now. CLICK HERE:
The Alpha Man Conversation & Persuasion program
I'm also offering a contest - one of the first 500 guys to get this program will win a one-on-one coaching session with me.
Don't wait... it could be you...
- Carlos Xuma
PS: Don't wait. By the time you get this email, the rest of the priority notifications have gone out, and guys will be grabbing up their copy. Here's the link again. Go now...

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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