Handling the Ignore from a woman...
I have notice when a guy says (Its happened to me but more more so in my observations.) hi to a woman and she doesn't respond. Or she turns and looks at him for a second to see who's talking. She see's that he's some loser, and turns back doing what she was doing in the first place.
What have you done, or still do in this situation?...
This is an excellent question, and I'm amazed more guys haven't asked it earlier...
There are several things going on here - and on many different layers.
1) When a guy walks up to a woman, he's communicating himself on many different levels. (Refer to the Approach Woman NOW program for an in-depth discussion of this area.)
When he fails to show a woman all of his confidence in the right ways, CONGRUENTLY, she will sense this and immediately turn off.
Sometimes he comes across as a real weenie. Sometimes he's just a little off in his method, and he winds up self-sabotaging. Either way, he's not making a forceful enough statement of his manhood and masculinity to get her attention focused in the right way.
She just sees him as yet another of the 100 guys that will walk up to her today with NO GAME at all, hoping to score a little camel-toe.
2) When a guy walks up to a woman, sometimes she is so tuned into her own reality that she's not open enough to let him in.
She will test him as an Alpha Man to see if he's got what it takes to break past that social conditioning and shielding she's using to hold him back.
He's got to really show a little energy and dynamic personality to get her attention.
Sure, it's a hoop, but it's one he's got to creatively jump through before she's going to connect and attune to what's going on.
The key to solving this situation is to have a R.E.A.L. Game method of entering her reality and then pulling her back into yours.
Remember that R.E.A.L. stands for:
Relaxed and Resourceful
Effective and Energized
Alpha and Authentic
Lifestyle and Lasting
You gotta come to this game with more than a faint sense of your own self-worth going in. You will NOT impress a woman if you're coming from that stinkin' thinkin' frame that you've been nurturing all day in front of the computer screen.
You have to break out of the introverted mode and come up with an energized and authentic approach that will COMMAND her attention.
It starts with your attitude of approach. If you go in with the mindset of a guy who is unsure or shaky on his own self-worth, she'll smell it and walk away. (Can you blame her?)
On the other hand, if you go in with the attitude of a guy who KNOWS what he wants, and he KNOWS he's going to make this woman's day, and he doesn't give a crap if she's interested or not - he just KNOWS he has to talk to her, that's the guy that she'll sense and pay attention to.
Don't be fooled into thinking that what a woman is looking at is your looks or your musculature. (Or lack of.)
She's looking to see how confidently you're into this approach. She wants to see a man who knows what he wants - and where he's going.
She wants to see if you're an Alpha Man, or a Beta whipped dog.
If you want to know how to go into the approach with Alpha Attitude, you can get my secrets of approach right here: APPROACH WOMEN NOW

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