It's Vincent, the man with the Alpha Plan...
Hey Carlos
Here's a goodie for your alpha army out there.
I live by a new life time resolution now. " Make your life more compelling than the woman it".
Dont, get me wrong, I love women and my current girlfriend, the point I want to make is having and creating exciting opportunities to improve the quality of your life is an awesome concept. Right now, I am involved in a couple of projects which are very exciting and taking a good chunk of my time. What does this mean, it means that my time is precious and a valuable commodity. Here's the pay off, my girl can't get enough of me, this is awesome power.
To all the Alpha bro's out there, this is the way forward for the 21st century Alpha man, "put your passions first" and watch what happens.
To those of you who haven't invested in The Alpha Man program, what are you waiting for?
Thanks Carlos for presenting so many options for improving myself, this has been the best investment yet.
Mike V
This really is the essence of what I teach. Make your life compelling and interesting enough that a woman WANTS to be a part of it.
Ask yourself: "Am I wanting women without DESERVING the woman I want?"
If you are, then maybe you aren't as confused as you might think as to why you're not getting her.
As you guys have heard me say before:
Don't be the man in front of the fireplace saying, "Give me heat FIRST... and THEN I'll give you wood."
It's doesn't take that much kindling to get the fire of attraction started with a woman.
You can find out how in the Secrets of the Alpha Man. You can download the E-book RIGHT NOW...

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