Hey, guys... I'm in Serbia. And I'm still blogging....
That's right! Yours truly is over here conducting a seminar and doing some field work. Plus, I've got a very special announcement for you Alpha Men in Southeastern Europe... Stay tuned!
For now, you'll have to deal with my blogs as I get my sleepy, jet-lagged ass to "work" each day...
How are you? Ok so I took some time off to continue working on my self and I tried to forget about the whole women thing for a little because I felt I needed to work on some things inside me. Well, I got my very best friend into the game (we are VERY loyal to each other and I've known him since 4th grade) and hes starting to read up and learn about the Game.
So 2007 arrives, and we both make a VERY serious committment. Our basic overall plan is that we both agree to go out a minimum of once per week (to bars, clubs, NYC, mall, etc) NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCES ARE (especially because we work and we have school so we are busy already). We also plan to set objectives each night that we go out, focusing on one particular aspect of THE GAME and applying it to real world situations.
I plan on buying a DVD player for my car so that we can watch your videos ... and focus on a particular aspect that we can apply that night (good for our mindset also before going in).
I took the responsibility of writing an in-field journal of our experiences and how we felt that night and what improvements/adjustments we can make for next time.We are starting to FUSE TOGETHER like never before, and hes just as motivated as I am. We made a pact that we would hold at our highest ability 2 key things in this whole long process: 1. Persistence & 2. A Optimistic, Positive Attitude toward one another NO MATTER WHAT THE CIRCUMSTANCE.
Also, by taking the time working on myself for the past 2.5 years, I feel I have a pretty healthy attitude going into this. I view this whole GAME as just that, A MOTHER FUCKIN GAME. Nothing is personal, and if something doesnt go right its probably a new skill or technical aspect that needs to be figured out. I view it as a 2-3 year process, where we will make our way through point A to point Z with many obstacles, rejections, some success, etc.
Many things will happen in this process, and I dont know what or when they will happen, but I keep reminding the both of us that this is a learning process and all the best had to go through it in order to succeed.
So far we have gone to 2 clubs, and our objectives were basically to go in there and just relax, get comfortable, absorb the atmosphere and people around us and have fun together. In spite of that we told each other there would be no pressure to do anything YET, but that if we felt like it then we would be flexible and allow ourselves to approach or whatever.
So I ended up approaching like 15 girls, and he ended up approaching like 13. We just tried to bust balls and tease and then walk away.
So Carlos, what do you think? Do you have any advice for us along this journey? Do you have a good plan or something that can help me? Thanks, it would be greatly appreciated.
Your Student,
Only one thing, really...
And stay motivated.
You see, most guys never get their game pulled together like this. At least, not any big level. They'll try a few things, but they never really COMMIT to it.
That's where you'll find 90% of your success in anything. When you plug in, get knowledgeable, and then get to WORK.
Keep it fun, and persist, my bruthas...
You'll do fine.
And for you guys who need to get a clue about how to do this in your own lives (because, yes, you still need to know what you're doing) - you can shave YEARS off the learning process just by getting the right strategy.
Get the Secrets here...

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