Saturday, January 13, 2007

You need to play games with women...


I always get this reaction from women in which I initially build in a chemistry everything is going well and then after a few minutes i get the whole "i gotta go" thing women do to put us to the test to "see how much he wants me" or i want him to come back for me, etc..

I've always liked to play it cool rather than come across as "wanting her too much" to in many cases they've just walked away and then pride gets in the way of both of us.

Is this a real phenomenon? Am I playing too cool? How can I get her to just be herself and stop playing those silly games?


Yes, you can play it
too cool.

A lot of guys read about attraction building with women, and they get polarized advice. One side says to make your interest known and obvious, the other says to be really cool and aloof.

The reality lies in your ability to
CALIBRATE to the situation and apply the persona that makes the most sense.

Again, most guys want a black & white rule, and that's the first
BIG mistake.

My diagnosis is that if things really are "going well" and they give you this reaction, it's probably because they're tired of waiting to find out where this is going. A woman is always asking herself "Where is this going?"

She wants it to go somewhere.

This means you have to

Drop the clever act. Yes, I'd say it's bad to gush all over her and be a starry eyed, love-struck fool. But you can also be a bit too distant where you're appearing defensive. Like you're trying to protect your own ego by not going forward and asking her for her number.

Your solution is simple:

Make your interactions start going somewhere!

Sometimes a woman says "I gotta go" because she wants to go. It's not a clever ruse to test you. She just wants you to piss or get off the pot, as they say.

But recognize one thing right now: Silly games are a
NECESSITY between human beings.

Games are always required.

So instead of complaining about them, turn it into a positive force for

Learn how to play the games


And be more socially savvy than
SHE is.

That's what an
Alpha Man does.

If you'd like to learn how the Game is played, you should look at this...


alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men


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