What do you do when a woman strings you along?
I now work out, visit a boxing gym and have upgraded my wardrobe and generally started acting a lot less 'nice'. Strange thing is this particular girl has started looking at me differently since then (along with a lot of other women.) She asked me to go out with her a couple of times but then always backs down and always has an excuse when I suggest we go and do something.
She has an on/off relationship with some wussy guy outside work who she complains to me about but I get the feeling she doesn't really want this guy. (Over the last two years they have never even had more than a 5 minute conversation)
Carlos I feel that I am 90% there but just missing that additional something?
Funny, isn't it, how they always complain to you about that guy, but she's still seeing him.
She's still having sex with him.
And the bottom line, my friend, is that you are NOT.
Remember, you're hearing about this "wussy" other guy second-hand. In court they would yell "Objection, your honor! Hearsay!" Meaning that you're getting someone else's interpretation.
There IS a reason she's with him. And it's probably not one she's telling you about.
Right now, you're on the right path. You're making some improvements to your visible lifestyle, and that does matter (though not as much as some internal ones I'm going to tell you about.)
You are noticing that women do NOT like guys who act "nice." Not because they want to be mistreated, but because they want a man that they don't suspect is being nice just to get what he wants. (Most "nice guys" are anything but that, and women know this instinctively.)
There are a lot of women out there that pull this "hot/cold" thing with guys because of a variety of reasons. Here are a few:
1) She's got low self-esteem and some issues.
Very common!
She has some damaged beliefs about herself, and when it comes to actually getting what it is in life she wants, she self-sabotages and avoids that fulfillment.
Yes, it's twisted.
Yes, it's sick.
NO, you do not want to pursue her if you suspect this may be the case. (I sure wonder about her.)
2) She's unhappy that SHE has to be the one to ask YOU out.
Hey, the woman I'm seeing right now gave me HER number. It was a business situation where I couldn't be the pursuer, but she was gutsy enough to come get ME.
But at the start, she asked me no fewer than 4 times: "If I hadn't given you my number, would you have asked me for mine?"
Yeah, talk about a minefield on that one.
YOU are supposed to take the initiative. Not her. Make it happen if you want it to happen.
3) She's unsure about you and suspects that you're still a wuss.
Hey, she saw your transformation, so she's got every right to think you're still the wuss you were before you became more of an Alpha Man.
She's dipping her toe in, not so sure she wants to go for a swim.
You asked me if there was something additional that you're missing. Well, I hate to say it, but that missing "something" is that you haven't gotten one of my programs yet.
Look, the reality is that True success with women requires a firm sense of self-confidence.
Now, you'll hear that bit of advice from a lot of guys out there, but the difference is that they'll say "be confident," and not give you ONE single method of improving that confidence.
That's where Carlos Xuma enters the game for you. (That's me...)
I spent years trying out various self-help programs, studying my own inner psychology (and inner wuss, too.) I figured out which things make a difference and will genuinely help you improve your inner game with women.
When a woman detects that you've got passions and direction in your life - even if that passion is to improve to be more attractive to women - then they'll want to come along for the ride.
I saw it over and over again as I went down this road.
Now, I also mapped this development, and I want you to benefit from my experience. There's no reason you should have to take as long as I did to make these changes to your own life.
You can get my plan for Alpha Man lifestyle here...

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