New Audio Coaching available!
The latest session of the Advanced Audio Coaching is now available... Session 30!
Take a look at the information PACKED into this month's session:
* THE APPROACH - How to "switch on" the right mode for approaching women with the most success, Turning yourself into an "approach machine", Understanding your pain threshold, Using the Lottery Winner mentality, Keeping motivation and inertia going, What negative approach frames are, how to motivate yourself from failure, and more ...
* THE APPROACH - PT. II - The approach mindset to hold for a lifetime, Field example of the "art chicks," How to break down the insecure barriers, and more ...
* CARLOS XUMA'S CONCEPTS PT. I - The Alpha Man Model and qualities, sensitive men, The Three S's and what they mean to you, Pain and Pleasure as a motivator, Inner and outer game, frame control explained, The Jeet Kune Do of pickup - No Style, How to adapt to your personality, Upward and Downward spirals, Attitudes of an Alpha Man, and more...
* CARLOS XUMA'S CONCEPTS - PT. II - Success Strategies for the Alpha Man, Time management, goal setting, planning, How to use lifestyle modeling, Multiple streams of female income, Time value of relationships, What your emotional capital is and how to keep reserves, Scarcity and Abundance - how they impact your game, How to short circuit chasing and insecurity, How to manage your thinking, How to motivate yourself the right way, The cure for approach anxiety, How to use direct and indirect correctly, The ultimate state of success with women, The primary elements of Storytelling, and more ...
* THE MENTAL TRAP OF IDLE TIME - Time to Dwell Syndrome, and how it ruins your dating, How infatuation works, and how to avoid getting stuck in it, Mistakes guys make that push them to obsession, What gives a woman comfort to move forward with you, The "Thoughtful" mistake, Dating more than one woman, How to be "easy to be around," The curling concept, The cure for depression, and more...
* HANDLING FLAKES - The updated strategy on how to handle women who flake on you, what you must NOT do, How to use the principle of aversion conditioning, How to use detachment, the flake-handling tactics, Why she flakes, how to turn it around, and more ...
* FAST LEARNER SYNDROME - Why you start to mess up when things are going good, The importance of establishing a good foundation,What you need to practice to keep your game tight, and more ...
* SELF-CONFIDENCE STRATEGIES - How to recognize the effects of low self confidence, Handling frustration and anger, What confidence is NOT and why appearances are misleading, The 6 laws of self-confidence and self-esteem, What to do to raise your self-confidence, What you don't know about other people's self confidence, and more ...
Not only do you get the 126+ minutes of Session 30 when you subscribe, but you also get these bonuses:
1) Access to the Alpha Man Power Forum with hundreds of tips, posts, and advice you can discuss with other Alpha Men
2) SIX additional HOURS of Carlos Xuma's first podcasts
3) A monthly bonus e-book
4) Monthly bonuses of Dating Advice Teleconference calls with exclusive Q&A from Carlos Xuma
And if you order right now, I'll also throw in ANOTHER BONUS -
Last month's audio (another 119 minutes)...
Check it out:

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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