What do I do if I am one of those aggressive people whom you have described in the ... audio session? I don't use loud, abusive language to test other people's limits, but rather questions, stares and skewed humor.
I love to test people on their limits, beliefs, attitudes and knowledge all of the time. If they stand their ground, then I only respect them even more. If they don't, then I know that they can be pushed around and are not the best friends and colleagues to be in my social circle.
I always monitor my behavior to make sure that I am not being condescending and insulting. Any tips?
There's always a gray area between obnoxious behavior and passive behavior, and the art lies in knowing when and how to push the limits.
Testing people isn't aggro. But manipulating and abusing friends is.
Remember that the difference between a nice guy and a good Alpha Man is that the nice guy lets everyone walk all over him, because - ironically - that's what he wants in some sick way.
The Alpha Man is "Nice" but not passively letting people treat him like shit. He gets what HE needs from the interaction. It becomes "win-win."
That's a big difference.
And the "Jerk" or Aggro Guy is aggressively getting ONLY his own way, not caring for the other person's needs at all. No respect.
My rule in life is that people WILL f*ck with you. You can either be the f*ck-ER or the f*ck-EE.
As long as you cause no harm, you're okay.
I test my friends on occasion, too, because I know the same thing that women do:
You can talk to someone for years, but the truth in their character lies in their ACTIONS.
To learn if you're pushing the envelope, or just being the Nice Guy who never gets laid, you need to have a look at the Secrets of the Alpha Man.

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