Hi Carlos,
Great stuff. I always look forward to your newsletters and I recommend your book to everyone I know who has a problem dealing with women (who hasn't at some point?).
Anyways my question is a little different but I'm just totally lost and I need some professional advice. I've started seeing this girl and things are mostly awesome, she's attactive and funny but sometimes she can be immature. She's only a year younger then I am but some of the things she does just makes me shake my head. The thing is she had a thing for me last year we met through a mutual friend but at the time I didn't pursue it much because of how she acted.
I met up with her again a few weeks ago and we started talking again and she seemed completely different so I decided to give it another shot. So we're seeing eachother now and occasionally she'll do little things that make me question if I should stick with her and just when I decide I'm getting a little frustrated she completely redeems herself by doing something great.
My question is should I let her slide or should I talk to her about this and if so what should I say I don't want to insult her but I want to let her know this is bugging me. I like her when she's not acting like some little kid, but when she is she drives me crazy. Any help would be much appreciated,thanks Carlos and keep up the good work.
One thing you'll hear me recommend is that you never try to correct a woman's behavior until you're more invested in each other. Early on, she'll just ditch you if she smells that you're not going to take her as-is.
But after you've got a little emotional involvement, you should really consider sitting down and discussing her areas of bad behavior. Not like a dad talking down to her, but as a concerned guy WHO HAS OPTIONS!
This has to be clear to her, because if she wants to stay with you, she'll start to clean up her bratty behavior.
Only you can decide if she's really worth this kind of effort. If she's annoying you now, when you're not really even in a relationship, it could get MUCH more frustrating when you have an emotional stake in the game and might find it tougher to let her go. Anything that annoys you now will not disappear later on its own.
Some girls are just way behind their age and need a few tough tumbles to understand that you can't act like "get-my-way" girl all the time. That saying about women being more mature for their age compared to men isn't always true.
If you believe she's got the capacity to get past this behavior and is showing signs of improving, I think it's a worthwhile risk. But if she's got chronic areas of poor emotional control, you need to be on the watch for them.
And don't forget that my Alpha Man Secrets program will guide you further on this path...

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