When you try to pickup on the woman next to you
Your advice **kicks ass**. I've read a few books and on-line dating advice, but by far you've got it mastered. So much of what other use are tricks or gimmicks, but I like your approach because it's all about confident and being real. Our real power is in ourselves, and when we see it, the women see it, too. Thanks for your straightforward approach.
I have a question about how to deal with an awkward situation. I went to get my hair cut at the usual place last night. There was a totally hot women in the chair next to me getting her hair done. We made eye contact, and I was getting all of the "go" signals (little glimpses at me, laughing at my jokes, flashing a little knee, etc.) I was playing it cool, but clearly showing my interest in return.
So, here's the awkward part. My hair stylist, B, is a friend of mine (no romantic interests). She knows my ex-wife and a woman I'm dating now. I didn't feel comfortable trying to seduce the hottie next to me, because, frankly, I felt awkward in front of B I decided to pass on the opportunity. Got any thoughts on this matter?
Thanks for the good word....
Yes, it's true that I don't use tricks or gimmicks.
Because it actually LOWERS your self-esteem over the long run. That's right.
Because the message to your nervous system is that YOU are not valuable or capable enough to attract a woman on your own. You have to resort to tricks and manipulation.
That's a bad message to send to your subconscious, my friends. The first thing you look for in your program of choice is that it doesn't rely on a lot of fake lines and artificial techniques.
But as far as your getting blocked by the woman cutting your hair, I say, stop letting what other people think bother you. Unless this woman would actually report on you and adversely impact your reputation, then only good can come of your demonstrating your newfound ability to attract women.
Hell, don't be surprised if you start getting calls from your ex-wife, and maybe a few nooners with her.
The only awkwardness was in the fact that you don't yet identify with your newly developed skills enough to shed this self-limiting belief.
Be honest. It was embarrassing. That's why you didn't do it. There was a sneaky bit of shame in your head, and you listened to it.
Next time, dare to do what other men will only just dream of.
ACT. Seize fortune by the balls and SQUEEZE like you mean it.
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