Dating Advice for Men - How to Approach Women, Attract Women, and Meet Girls Dating Advice for Men - How to Approach Women, Attract Women, and Meet Girls



Do You Ever Feel Like a Geek Who Can't Attract Women...?


    • Have you ever felt like you couldn't share a part of your life with a woman because she would think you were weird?

    • Have you ever thought of yourself as "geeky" or "nerdy"?

    • Have you ever felt like there was 'nothing special' about your life that a woman would be interested in?


"Carlos -
"In the short time that I've been tuned in to your advice in its many forms (newsletters, podcast, blogs, etc.) I've seen real (or is that R.E.A.L.?!) tangible results in my life that go above and beyond success with women.
"When I saw that you were offering the Alpha Immersion DVD set, you had me at "Hey, check out my new program...".

"Wow. I have to say it's by far the most comprehensive set of tools - hell, attitudes - I've ever come across in my foray into the "data advice/guru" quagmire. And it is a quagmire - there's so much out there, and so much of it lacking. I liken a majority of it to the quick fixes peddled by snake oil salesmen in the old west.
"Building a lifestyle and a mindset based in the Alpha principle has turned out to be life-altering. Attracting women is but a mere - albeit welcome - side effect.
"While into the program, I can't tell you how many times I found myself going, "Ahhhhh...." as in "Eureka" even when you would relate the smallest detail (everything from, "so THAT's what I've been doing wrong," to "oh, THAT's what women think.")  I've made it through the 4-DVDs once so far, and I'm already looking, feeling, and acting better... being a better MAN...
"The biggest thing I've gotten out of the Alpha Immersion program - thus far - is the philosophy of "Just". There is no substitution for ACTION. And it's incredibly effective when coupled with the skills and knowledge - both the basic and the advanced - that you relate. One can watch and read all he wants, but it's useless without action. Your inspiration and tips on HOW to just act have made it worthwhile.
"In closing - thanks. I have to say, also, that my purchase process was quick and easy, and my materials were delivered promptly. A pleasant suprise. I've done my best to keep this brief, and just can't seem to! I could go on and on...
"All the best,






"The difference between great people and everyone else is that great people create their lives actively, while everyone else is created by their lives, passively waiting to see where life takes them next."

- Michael E. Gerber



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"Carlos Xuma is the nation's leading personal dating coach, and professional dating agent. Recognized as the world's premier dating authority, Carlos' date-coaching and skills work for single men everywhere. If you use sites like,,,, and other online dating sites, Carlos' dating advice can help you succeed like never before. Even better than what a dating agency could ever offer you, Carlos' advice, products and ideas turn you into your own matchmaker, and will double your dating success whether you seek a relationship, romance, or the love of your life."



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