What's a Nice Girl
I was thinking today, you have "nice guys," is there also an equivalent for "nice girls"? Like the ones below 6 or something?
Well, I'm intrigued by the pre-supposition in your question. (If you aren't familiar with presuppositions, I teach you about them HERE.)
What you're saying is that if a woman rates high on your "1 to 10" scale, she can't be "nice."
The term "Nice Guy" refers to a mindset of a man who has decided that the only way he can get a woman is to put aside his masculine strength and confidence to kiss a woman's ass. He figures that the "nicer" he is, the more a woman will want him.
Which, unfortunately, is completely and totally false, as I hope you know by now. (If you aren't aware of why this is wrong, CLICK HERE.)
So let's put aside any judgements about a woman's looks for the moment.
The "nice girl" would be a one that thinks that if she's "nice" enough to a guy, self-sacrificing, etc., that she can also lure a guy in.
Which, unfortunately, is probably right.
But, what inevitably happens to the nice girl is that she gets trapped in a role where the guy either dominates her, or takes her for granted after a while. (Similar to what happens to a guy that manages to get into a relationship by being the "nice guy.")
You see, being the "nice" person, male or female, is not really about being NICE at all. It's about being manipulative to get what you want. "Nice"-ness is just a passive-aggressive social strategy.
This may sound harsh, but it's usually true. Just remember back to that kid in your neighborhood or school that was always sucking up to you. Did you find them attractive or interesting to be with? No, not really.
You can be a good person, help people, and be nice in a positive way AND a negative way.
I'll tell you more about this in my new Social Strategy program coming soon...
But for now, you should learn how to sniff out the real people from the fake in my Conversation & Persuasion program.

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