How to talk to women...
Wow. I have to tell you my past few months were amazing. My lifestyle has changed a lot. I'm never short on women and I'm constantly working on expanding my market of women I can pick from.
I've been spending my time at a social club which is PACKED with intresting women that i'm into. I've met and chatted up pratically all of them. But I've ran into an interesting test that these women have been giving me. 9 times out of 10 she (or any goup of women I might be chatting up) will start testing me by spilling their gender rage issues they have towards men into the conversation at some point. Mostly about how they think all men are dogs and how they only want sex.
I assume they're testing me when they say this. I usually just say "really? that's intresting." or "is that how you think we are?" and change the topic. I don't think i'm handling this test as well as I could be. I was thinking of a new thing to say next time the subject comes up but I wanted to run it by you and see what you thought before I tested it out on the field.
Her: "all men are horrible... blah blah blah"
Me: "Oh! so you're one of THOSE girls!"
Her: "What girls?"
Me: "One of those girls who takes out past experiences she had on men out on random people. Did you have your heart broken on V-day when you were 5? Nevermind, don't answer that."
Any input about this test would be appreciated. Thanks.
Contrary to popular belief, not everything a woman does that annoys you is a "test." Most of the time it is just her being... well, HER.
She's not doing it intentionally to see if you're going to have the "correct" answer. (A lot of guys stuck in the 'pickup artist' mentality seem to think this.) She's just blowing off her form of chick-steam.
The way you handle this is to completely ignore it.
You be the guy that doesn't react to her words, and doesn't care about her little emotional rants. When you learn how to talk to women with power and dignity, the tests become meaningless.
If she persists with her angry little rant, then I'd probably tease her about having a lot of baggage.
Your answer is perfectly fine, but it seems a bit bitter in itself. Remember, your answer must be nothing but relaxed and non-reactive.
The question should really be: "When I talk to women, whey are they all reacting to ME this way? With their gender issues?"
I always end up teasing them back about the fact that for all their complaining, they want it just as much as the guys do, and they're not fooling anyone.
Most women don't know how to react to that one... usually because they aren't use to men who know them better than they know themselves...
Act with calm confidence. Move forward without a flick of your eyes.
Show them the cool of a man who knows better. When you learn how to talk to women with confidence, she'll feel it.
And if you want to learn the secrets that he did to make that change in lifestyle, you should take a look at my exclusive program for men here:
How to talk to women and approach women...

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