I have ordered the CD's and am eagerly awaiting them. I have downloaded the ebook and digested it and begun going out approaching women in bars on the street and in clubs.
One opinion opener I used last night was "Hey Ladies I have only got a minute as I have gotta get back to my friends. I need a quick female opinion, Who should pay on a first date the guy or the girl"
I opened around 5 sets of girls. However on the 5th set one of them was rather rude and said "Are you stupid or somting the guy should pay ?"
I looked at her and smile and said "Wow you look so cute when your angry" and moved on.
How would you deal with a girl who is acting rude in a situation like this ?.
Secondly I am comfortable with using "Excuse me are you young single ?" on the street. I approached 20 girls. It was a mix of giggles, smiles some women just ignoring me and walking away. Is this being rather too direct? One girl replied or gosh you have caught me off guard, sorry, and she walked on. How should I have dealt with this ?
You don't even have the complete Approach program yet, and you're already opening with an 80% success ratio.
But the troubling part is that you came to me to look at how to salvage the 20% that don't matter.
You’re focusing on the only set that responded badly. There will always be a set that won’t work. You just had 80% success. The glass is really HALF FULL!
As for the way I react to these women, well it's to forget them as soon as I talk to the next woman who does respond.
You will never win them all.
As for the woman that walked on, you should have followed her and built comfort to regain her trust.
Be a little more persistent next time.
Or just approach another woman and let it go.
I personally favor the latter of those two options...
A big portion of your attitude, though, is being communicated by your focus. If you care too much about the results you get, you're focusing on her reality and accommodating her frame. You should be more concerned with projecting your own confidence and value.
Perhaps next time you can persist beyond the opening line and think up a few responses past the opener. Remember, your game has to go deep as well as wide.

alpha man | how to talk to women | approach women | dating advice for men
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