Pickup Artist and Seduction Techniques a Scam…?

I recently came across someone
who wrote a long article in a forum about how he felt
that dating advice programs were scams. And that "You
don't have to buy any advice to get better with women
or to improve yourself."
Well, after reading what he had to say, I have to admit
it sounded logical.
At first.
But then my forehead started
crinkling up, and I wondered... Could this be true? Could
it be that guys just need to "be
themselves" and everything will just work out on its
Do guys really need seduction
techniques and pickup artist programs?
Well, I thought about the fact
that I didn't buy any information to help me with women,
and it took me about 8 years longer to get better than
it would have if I'd had something - or someone - to guide
I'll tell you my other big
problem with his reasoning in just a minute...
But first, the reality is
that this guy's argument wasn't that well thought out,
and if you fall for his trap, you can cause yourself some
BIG problems down the road.
Here's the logic of the argument:
- "There's more
than enough good free information out there..."
In a way, this is right. After
all, there is a lot of stuff to be found out there. Hey,
I even give away a ton of my advice and tips for free.
But unfortunately, what you get
from a lot of 'gurus' out there is a lot of nonsensical
rambling over their last "field
report," or a random opener he used that worked once
or twice.
Here are 5 problems with the
'free' seduction techniques I discovered when I was first
trying to improve my abilities with women:
1) The information is almost always incomplete.
There's no "system" or method to what you are
shown. They can't relate it to the context of the situation
where they met the girl. And you don't really get how the
information "fits in" with what you might already
For example, in "field reports" where
someone tries to relate how their approach went, they
leave a lot of unanswered questions...
Was the woman with her friends?
How were her friends reacting to the situation? How was
the guy actually communicating with his body? His tone?
Was he really establishing rapport, or was it just a momentary
fluke of attention?
You need the whole
picture to understand their field reports
and be able to learn from them.
If you've ever tried to explain the experience of being
at a live rock concert to someone, you know how words just
don't seem to communicate the reality of the EXPERIENCE.
2) The information lacks perspective
from a grounded and character-driven personality. It
usually came across as so much pickup "fluff."
You have to ask yourself if you
want to just go out there and "f*ck" girls,
or do you want to be the kind of naturally attractive
guy that everyone respects and admires.
Deep down, I think we all know the answer to that question.
3) The information was not very well explained.
Inevitably the person sharing
their bit of pickup artist wisdom hadn't been around
very long in the community and was just desperate to
show off and throw something out there to prove how they
finally "got it figured out."
It was their EGO talking, not expertise.
I remember once looking for some good information on video
editing, and all I found were these little bits and pieces.
I eventually just went out and bought a complete course
in the topic that really trained me from the ground up.
If I'd kept watching all those
little short time-wasters out there, learning bits and
pieces, it
would have taken me ten times as long and ten times as
much energy just
to learn it the right way.
It was worth every penny to get me to my goal.
4) The information that most guys share is not consistent.
Again, it's not coming from
a complete understanding of social skills, interpersonal
motivation, and how attraction works with women. It's just
the haphazard attempts that might have worked in that moment.
They aren't including the BIG picture references to explain
how it all worked to create a complete experience.
You also get a lot of conflicting
advice, like "just
be yourself" - and also "you need to change to
be more attractive."
So which is it, anyway?
5) Most of the information you see out there on the Internet
is complete crap.
A lot of marketing hype wrapped around... nothing, really.
Ever read the comments on Youtube? It's like a million
kids from the third grade had nothing better to do than
go out and post useless drivel on perfectly good videos.
As they say, separating the wheat
from the chaff is just harder and harder these days.
Finding the "good stuff" is
Always remember that most of
the Internet is just stuff that anyone put out there. (Even
me!) So you need to trust your source.
And another argument against pickup programs is:
"Paid products
honestly don't give you powerful, super-effective knowledge..."
This can be true, if you're just reading the stuff that
some guy slapped together into some ebook he wrote over
a weekend. Look, there are tons of copycat programs out
there. I've got guys copying what I created years ago just
to make a quick buck out there.
You can generally sniff through the hype, can't you? It's
pretty easy to make outrageous claims that appeal to desperation.
It's quite another thing to give consistently measurable
Well, the fact of the matter is that I've been doing this
since 2001, and I wouldn't have lasted if I didn't deliver
on the super-effective knowledge you want and need to improve
with women.
I've been fairly successful doing that for guys.
Oh, and there's also this bit of interesting advice:
- "When guys are
struggling with women, needing more advice often isn't
the problem This is very often harmful to their confidence."
I actually agree with this one... Mostly.
Very often, you don't need MORE information. What you
really need is the ACTION to put that information to work
for you.
All too often, though, we fall
into that trap of thinking that the next cool
thing is what we need. And the NEXT one...
and so on.
But in reality, what we need
is simply an intelligent and easy way to apply what
we already have so that it works for us.
Back when I was wondering to
myself... Could it be that guys just need to "be themselves" and
everything will just work out on its own?
I realized that this isn't the
answer. It's that false hope that if we do nothing, that
everything will just "work
itself out."
Well, this can happen for you
in some areas of your life, but the reality is this:
one gets their inner game (or their outer game) fixed
by just hoping that things work out.
What normally happens is that bad habits get worse, and
then our self-confidence slides further and further down
the drain.
In the end, what you really need is not to pretend that
you don't need any help to overcome your challenges.
What you need is just GOOD help. Not incomplete bites
of information that are like pieces from different puzzles
you're trying to make fit into your life.
It sounds kind of "duh" when
you look at it this way, but it's really true.
You ever have someone just give you a dumb little piece
of simple advice about something that completely improved
what you were trying to do?
Maybe it was a different way to hold a pick when you were
playing the guitar, or they just pointed out a shortcut
in a game you were trying to beat, or they gave you a quick
way around some intersection that always has traffic.
Whatever it was, you probably
smacked yourself in the head and said, "Damn! Why
didn't I know about that?"
It's these little tips - at
the right time and place -
that can double or triple your success and level of confidence.
But more than this, it comes
from having a complete understanding of the BIG picture.
Having a complete method to address your situation once
and for all will help you like nothing else can.
If you'd like more information
on the most complete system for becoming the kind of confident,
attractive man that women want, and mastering your own
confidence, go here to discover the secrets of inner game
that all Alpha Men possess...

Your friend,

PS: Really.
It's time to stop letting your inner game hold you back.
Whether it's one of my programs or another respected and
trusted source, get going today. If you
start now, in just a short time you'll already be
getting results. You'll already have a
shot at kissing a woman at the next party, instead of just
guzzling more booze and feeling frustrated and alone.
Make your change NOW.
if not now - when?