Hey Carlos .
You said in Audio coaching 21 you had advice ON getting the girl who is your friend and turning into your fFRIEND . I have tried every angle in you book which I have read 5 times . It has worked a lot on different women . Personally I have pulled 3 hook ups last weekend in one night at 2 different bars.
Now heres the kicker . Everyone around me when we are together(me and the women FRIEND) say she is into me and it is obvious but I have tried everything in your book and every attitude adjustment but I still can't get her to come around . The reason why I am on this so much is because we really do connect and everyone sees it she will not even look at another guy when we are togther in a bar and I have tried just going for her with her but it always seems the next day she brings it down a notch and even if I try and keep it at the same level she just in th mod of herself brings it back to friends . Basically I want to know from the audio coaching 21 what you would do in my situation because if you give me the advise and it doesnt work she is out of my life . I have been unavaliable to her and she finds out where I am . If you say get away I will follow your adivise . what ever you say I will do . You have proven your system to me going from getting next to nothing to the last few weeks of getting some hotties well the proof is in the pudding
Again, wanting the one you can't have...
Think about this:
The reason you're so into her is because she's CHALLENGING YOU by being the ONE you can't get.
The other trick of this situation is that all the signs SEEM to point to her being into you. But let's be honest here. If she's into you, she'll MAKE time to have you around her.
This isn't brain surgery.
If she's into you, she'll go for it. If there's sufficient attraction, she WILL want more.
And if she IS into you, and she doesn't MAKE that time, well that's just damn neurotic, dude. Would you want her in your life if she never showed you her interest?
I'm not going to tell you to drop her, but I'm going to tell you to step back and observe that you have all this interest in her because she hasn't come around to you.
Remember, if you do what I instruct in my e-book, you'll have no problem getting more women, as you've obviously discovered, and you won't miss this one.
Here's a strategy:
Get your friend a little drunk. See if that lowers her inhibitions to the possibility of doing you.
If not, move on. Time's a-wasting... you've got a lot of women to seduce...

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