"Help! I'm Losing My Girlfriend to a Jerk!"
Carlos, I've got a real problem...
I've been dating my current girlfriend now for about 2 months, and things
have been really good between us. Well, that was, until last week.
She has a friend at work named Jim, and I've met him once on a group lunch.
He's one of those guys I can't stand because he's a bit of a dick. But
he also has all the women swarming around him like flies.
I think my girlfriend might be one of them. She always brings him up in
conversation, and it irritates the crap out of me.
What do I do about this guy?
And what are the ways guys can attract girls - and KEEP them...??
- Kevin A., Reno NV
Kevin, I have to say, man, this is one of those "textbook" situations
that a lot of guys out there have experienced.
And it SUCKS.
And then you're left wondering if you've been using
only the WORST ways guys can attract girls.
I've been there quite a few times, and I've got a ton of stories about
the jerk that came in and somehow managed to sweep MY girl off her feet.
He's the kind of guy who doesn't seem to have a problem stealing women
away from boyfriends, which makes him a total dick in anyone's book, right?
And the worst part is that the woman may not have been swept THAT very
night, but this guy always marked the turning point of my relationship
with her.
And then a week or two later, she waved buh-bye and drove off into the
sunset with Mr. Jerk.
But you don't want to hear *my* sob stories. You want to save your own
relationship with your woman, if possible, right?
Here's what's happening with THE JERK, my brother...
A woman won't admit this in public, but the fact
is that these guys that we hate - the "jerks" - are very often
the ones that women are really attracted to. In fact, this is one of
the most effective ways guys can attract girls...
But the problem is that we don't really see just
how the "Jerk's" behavior
is not nearly as "bad" as we would like to think.
We just resent how these guys are popular when
they don't do the things we consider to be "nice," like considering
everyone's feelings, going with the flow, and going out of their way
for our approval.
Instead, these guys just act on their own initiative and take the bull
by the horns.
Here's what Jerks do:
- Jerks take the lead...
- Jerks get OTHER people to buy their drinks...
- Jerks poke fun at the girls and aren't
constantly telling them how beautiful they are...
- Jerks have their own strongly held opinions...
- Jerks come up with a plan to go to some
other bar, and they drag everyone along... and everyone ends up having
a lot of fun. (Yes, even you...)
And while Jerks can be obnoxious, they can also be enticing and charming
because they aren't constantly kissing everybody's ass looking for approval.
Let's face it - that's the REAL reason why we don't like the Jerk:
He's the guy we WISH we could be.
And that is why your girl is into this guy. And YES,
she is into him. Big time.
I'd even bet that if you don't step up your game really soon, you'll be
hearing those 4 ugly words:
"Let's just be friends..."
(And the worst part of those words is that when a woman uses them, she
doesn't even really want to be friends, does she?)
Well, let's start with the facts...
Are 2 Ways Guys Can Attract Girls - and these are just about the only "attraction styles" a
woman will respond to.
Attraction Strategy 1 works like a long, slow, boring romantic movie.
Attraction Strategy 2 works like crack cocaine and hits her brain like
a bright bolt of lightning.
Let's start with the first one...
Attraction Strategy 1 is the "wine and dine
and prove what a great provider I am for her."
Like I said, it's long. And slow. And boring.
But it can work - IF you're not picky about the woman you want.
Look, I won't kid you like some other gurus might. The fact is that the
'kiss-her-ass' strategy can eventually work, but it's the WORST hand to
It's weak.
It's one of the worst ways guys can attract girls, because it counts on
her being insecure and low self-esteem.
PLUS, this strategy plays on the hope that she doesn't have any better,
more exciting options to play.
You have to hope that no other guy in her life has any game, either.
That's not how you want to get or win a woman - by being the guy that
lost the least.
- FIRST, because when a good "bad" boy
shows up, she's gone.
- SECOND, because even if she sticks around, she'll just resent you for
not being the man she really wanted in the first place.
Attraction Strategy 2 is the power of the "jerk," or the "bad
There's a lot of scientific evidence in studying monkeys
(who are pretty closely related to us) that the females will secure their
survival by mating with a male that provides their food and protection.
And then - when he's out doing that whole provider routine - she finds
a strong bad boy on the side to give her the strong genes.
It's been estimated that 1 baby in 10
is NOT fathered by the guy who thinks he's the "daddy."
How would you like to be the guy to find that one out about your son or
You see, women fall for BOTH types - the provider, and the Jerk.
One relationship is sold on logic and survival, the other is founded on
emotions and genetic legacy.
Want to guess where I would place my bet?
But the REAL beauty is when you use a THIRD method to attract women.
I call it the Alpha Attraction Method.
This is a combination of the good qualities of the Jerk, and the strong
qualities of the "Nice Guy." It's the double-whammy that makes
you the Alpha Man.
More on how this works in a second...
ATTRACTION FACT: Nice guy behaviors don't attract women at the same gut
level that the Jerk ones do.
The reason is that the Nice Guy is often working
from a "convincer" strategy.
He's trying to demonstrate that he's the best choice by working on the
woman's desire to secure her future.
He's trying to convince her logical mind. (And attraction is not logical.)
Meanwhile, the Bad Boy is spiking her emotions and fun into the stratosphere
and giving her the visceral thrill of a wild roller coaster ride.
Sounds a lot more interesting doesn't it?
I said before that the "provider" strategy
works like the long, slow romantic movie.
Well, the fact is that it DOES work, but it takes
a lot of effort, and it's a very weak connection with
a woman. It's a lot like using cheap paste to fix something instead of
a powerful cement or "krazy" glue.
The Nice Guy is simply a heavily watered down version of what a woman
REALLY wants, and it's NOT the best way to attract girls.
I'm not saying that a woman wants an abusive,
obnoxious idiot. But the fact is that guys usually hear a woman's description
of a "jerk," but
we almost never really know what's going on from HIS side.
And that's how the Nice Guy gets tricked into thinking he can 'convince'
a woman to want him by just being the opposite of the Jerk.
In the end, the Nice Guy just ends up turning the woman off with his obvious
agenda and weasel ways.
FACT: A woman will NOT cheat on you if you
know the secret of "natural
masculine attraction."
If a woman is too busy trying to catch you, she can't be chasing another
guy. This is one of the most unknown ways guys can attract girls.
Have you ever had more than one woman you were
chasing in your life? There's ALWAYS one girl you want more than the
other one, and she's your "pick."
Well the same is true of women. They have room
for one "hot seat" to
fill in their romantic life. And if you're in it, YOU are the one she's
going to be chasing.
As long as you remain a challenge and don't turn into the Nice Guy.
You may have even heard of something called "Natural
What this means is how a guy uses his NATURAL masculine attractiveness
to attract women.
So in order to leverage the best qualities of
the "jerk," you
have to first understand what they are and how they work - and then make
them part of your natural habits with women.
And if you want to leverage the good qualities
of the "Nice Guy," you
just need to know what those are, and then add those to your "Natural
Once you've integrated these behaviors into your
life, you'll get the kind of results you want, and you'll never go back
to being just the "Nice
That's what I teach with my "Alpha Attraction
Quite simply, this is the most powerful method
of attracting women, because it plays on her built-in, automatic needs
- and the best parts of both the "Jerk" and the "Nice
You'll be able to literally inject thoughts of you into her brain.
- How would you like it if YOU were her obsession?
- How about if SHE was the one waiting by the phone, hoping you're going
to call...?
- Wouldn't it be great to get an email from a girl asking you what you're
doing this weekend? Hinting that she wants your time?
That's what will happen when you pull her subconscious triggers of attraction.
If you'd like to learn more about how REAL attraction
works with women, and more ways guys can attract girls, I urge you to go
look at my Advanced Secrets of the Alpha Man program...
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