The TRUTH About Dating and Attraction...
Tuesday, 9:00 AM: Carlos Xuma's Desk...
Here's another little bonus for the members for your weekend enjoyment...
I have a sad tale of wimpiness that I wanted to fire your way.
Just to let you know that this guy wasn't an owner of The Dating Black Book, but I felt his story needed to be shared so that others might learn from his errors.
And I went VERY easy on him... I had to resist the urge to play drill instructor and he-man bitch slap him. There's really no place for this kind of sniveling in a man's posture, though. I think there's a nugget of truth in here, and it lies in the message about using the excuse "I can't control it."
Read on...
I have been going out with this girl for a while now and I am very much in love with her, it is actually the first time I feel something so strong for someone. We get along great, she is very fun to be with and my behavior with her is very good (I think), whenever we go out I pay for everything, open the door for her, I pay attention to her when she talks and always give her options (so that she can choose) when it comes to where to go or what to do.
I get along fine with her friends, I mean I do everything I can to make her happy and I know that she loves me very much.... but now is when it gets "not so cute".... it has come to a point where she is so sure of my love for her that she does not value me as much as I'd like her to, I tried acting like I don't need her love (so I get more of it), I tried acting indifferent, going out with my friends, having fun without her, I have even gone to some trips out of town (she calls me every day when I do so), I mean I have tried everything I can think of.
when I act rather cold with her she gets sad, I feel bad and end up apologizing (I know it's stupid, but I can't control it), I just love her too much.
Please I need advice on how to make her value me more and be more affectionate with me.
Your problem is right there, dude. You said: "I do everything I can to make her happy."
What are you doing to make YOU happy? That's what she needs to see is a man who cares AT LEAST as much about making himself happy as her.
You're turning into a boot-licking toady. You're catering to her like a princess and you need to STOP right this damn minute.
Here are a few strategies:
Start putting some distance in there.
And for god sakes, STOP apologizing to her. Saying you can't control is is a COP OUT! You CAN control it, but you're not exercising your self discipline. So what you do is NOT do what you need to do and then ask us for advice about what to do instead.
There is no INSTEAD. You MUST DO what you know you have to do. If you choose to keep disregarding what you know you have to do, you'll keep getting those results.
Is this simple enough yet? I'm not trying to be mean, but c'mon and wake up, dude. There are a million guys out there thinking that women want you to give them what they want.
They want you do demonstrate independence. They don't want you to be needy.
1) Get some space from her. Stop letting her manipulate you.
2) Show some backbone and strength. Let her see a man that has a will of his own.
3) Get some alternate passions so that she can feel that she has to WORK to keep your attention.
4) Get The Dating Insider Book as well as The Dating Black Book so that you can correct this mindset.
Remember, there's no excuse in the world for not doing what you need to do. When you choose the wrong path, you're admitting your emotional weaknesses are getting the better of you. You're saying "Yeah, I know BUT...." Which is the ULTIMATE loser line. If you know, and you don't do, you're demonstrating no self-control. You'll have to find the strength inside you, or forever be a slave to your impulses.
I'll be honest with you, you're harboring some beliefs that need to be addressed at the root cause. I can tell you how to behave and what to do, but if you don't understand the reasons why, or have the fundamental posture (confidence, etc.), you will not succeed. They have to be torn down and rebuilt.
You have to start tearing this internal belief system down, like an engine you need to rebuild. You're going to have to throw out that cam and those lousy pistons, and it's going to take some machining ...
Until you do, she'll NEVER value you, because you are demonstrating a lack of confidence to believe that you value yourself.
Stay plugged in to the Dating Dynamics information and you'll pick up more on the right attitude.
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Listen to what the other gurus are saying about Carlos' work...
"I've read every book and studied every system on dating. The problem with most 'gurus' in this field is that they're not teaching men how to build a solid foundation. Until you change your internal belief system and adopt an Alpha mindset, all the
tactics and techniques in the world aren't going to do you any good. (Actually, it's like learning just enough karate to get your ass kicked!) Carlos Xuma is the best there is at teaching men how to develop their 'inner game.' From
there, he'll give you the complete set of tools for approaching women, and life, with absolute confidence and skill. If you're in this game to win it, these are the rules you need to learn."
- "Supreme", M.A.C.K. Tactics co-creator
"Carlos Xuma is a man who has a clear passion for imparting the success with women he has experienced to other guys worldwide. He approaches his craft with immense integrity and a distinct style!"
- Scot McKay, X & Y Communications, DeserveWhatYouWant.com
"Carlos Xuma is the REAL DEAL! If you are serious about creating an extraordinary relationship. You will learn more about the needs and desires of women than they do themselves! I highly recommend
Carlos to any man who is ready to get the woman of his dreams. I love his game, its 100% real."
- The Dean, Dating4Men.com
"Carlos Xuma is one of those rare guys in the field who actually GETS what interacting with women is all about. His advice goes beyond the pick-up lines and approach techniques that so many guys use and fail with. Rather, Carlos gives guys everywhere practical,
valuable advice that will make men attractive not just for one night, but for many, many years. He lays down the foundation for becoming a NATURALLY attractive man, full of confidence and the ability to fully ENJOY being around hot babes.
Unlike other pickup artists, Carlos shares information that helps you not only in one area of life, but in many: in social relationships, at work, sports, with personal goals. He'll help make you a well-rounded, self-believing alpha MAN who's capable of just
about anything. And seducing gorgeous, high-quality women, is just the beginning."
- James Brito, How to Be Irresistible to Women
"Carlos Xuma is one of the few men in the 'seduction' or 'attraction' community who digs beneath the surface of passing attraction, and Explores what it is to be a man who attracts women by virtue of his character and, consequently, the natural outward expression of high character.
He brings words like 'discipline' and 'integrity' to the forefront, and waddya know, those are exactly the qualities women truly crave in a man."
- Grant Adams, CEO - net2bed.com
"Hey Carlos, I write about the biology of men and women's behavior. You seem to know the biology of behavior without knowing it. How do you do that? You have a deep intuition of dynamics - it took me 7 years of academic research to discover. And you find sharp ways to apply it practically... Keep up the good work, brother."
- Joe Quirk, Author of "Sperm are from Men, Eggs are from Women"
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