[]{}-+_-=' ; $box = @ImageTTFBBox($size,0,$font,$test_chars) ; return $box[3] ;}/* attempt to create an image containing the error message given. if this works, the image is sent to the browser. if not, an error is logged, and passed back to the browser as a 500 code instead.*/function fatal_error($message){ // send an image if(function_exists('ImageCreate')) { $width = ImageFontWidth(5) * strlen($message) + 10 ; $height = ImageFontHeight(5) + 10 ; if($image = ImageCreate($width,$height)) { $background = ImageColorAllocate($image,255,255,255) ; $text_color = ImageColorAllocate($image,0,0,0) ; ImageString($image,5,5,5,$message,$text_color) ; header('Content-type: image/png') ; ImagePNG($image) ; ImageDestroy($image) ; exit ; } } // send 500 code header("HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error") ; print($message) ; exit ;}/* decode an HTML hex-code into an array of R,G, and B values. accepts these formats: (case insensitive) #ffffff, ffffff, #fff, fff */ function hex_to_rgb($hex){ // remove '#' if(substr($hex,0,1) == '#') $hex = substr($hex,1) ; // expand short form ('fff') color if(strlen($hex) == 3) { $hex = substr($hex,0,1) . substr($hex,0,1) . substr($hex,1,1) . substr($hex,1,1) . substr($hex,2,1) . substr($hex,2,1) ; } if(strlen($hex) != 6) fatal_error('Error: Invalid color "'.$hex.'"') ; // convert $rgb['red'] = hexdec(substr($hex,0,2)) ; $rgb['green'] = hexdec(substr($hex,2,2)) ; $rgb['blue'] = hexdec(substr($hex,4,2)) ; return $rgb ;}/* convert embedded, javascript unicode characters into embedded HTML entities. (e.g. '%u2018' => '‘'). returns the converted string.*/function javascript_to_html($text){ $matches = null ; preg_match_all('/%u([0-9A-F]{4})/i',$text,$matches) ; if(!empty($matches)) for($i=0;$i